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Expedición de títulos univesitarios oficiales y del Suplemento Europeo al Título (SET)

  • Secretaría Virtual
  • Expedición de títulos univesitarios oficiales y del Suplemento Europeo al Título (SET)

"Due to an error in the application, it is not possible to access the SET self-application if the Title has already been requested. It is possible to request both at the same time (Title and SET). We are working to solve the incident as soon as possible. We kindly ask you to request the Title and SET at the same time, as far as possible. We apologize for the inconvenience."


Once you have passed all the credits of the syllabus, and the records of the call have been closed, you will be able to apply for your diploma. It is not necessary to go to the University to do so, since the application is made and paid on-line.

If you have taken a dual bachelor, you must first apply for the separation of records. Then you must make two applications, one for each of the degrees.

It is important that you check your personal data before finalizing your application: your name and surname must be spelled correctly (including accents), as well as your place of birth. If any changes need to be made, do not finalize the application and contact your Student Office.


The European Diploma Supplement (DS), is a document that accompanies the official university diploma, with unified information, personalized for each university graduate, about the studies completed, the results obtained, the professional skills acquired and the level of their degree in the national higher education system. It also includes additional information about the studies taken: if the student has taken a Minor, if he/she has obtained the mention of having taken studies in English or bilingual, etc.

The DS is issued free of charge. You will be able to request it after completing the application for the degree.

The DS is issued for all Bachelor and Master


The issuance time of a diploma is between 6 and 12 months from the date of application. In any case, when we have received it, we will inform you by e-mail, so that you can come and pick it up at the corresponding Undergraduate, Graduate or Doctoral Student Office.

The collection must be in person, identifying yourself with your identity document. In order for another person to pick it up in your place, it is essential that you authorize it by means of the following AUTHORIZATION FORM FOR THE COLLECTION OF OFFICIAL TITLES VALID IN ALL THE NATIONAL TERRITORY

If you live outside Madrid, you can request that we send the diploma and/or DS to the Government Delegation or Subdelegation, Education Office or Consular Office closest to your home. To do so, you can contact your Student Office.

To check the status of your diploma you must go to the following link. Once inside you must go to "My procedures" and click on "Title".

The degree indicators are:

  • If the application has not been made, no status will be shown.
  • In RE the Diploma/DS is collected.
  • In PE the Diploma/DS is available and pending delivery.
  • In OA the Diploma/DS is available and was forwarded to another requested administration.
  • The rest of the statuses shown correspond to phases of the administrative management of the procedure.


  • Phd Diploma: 229,86€.
  • Master Diploma: 176,27€.
  • Bachelor Diploma: 154,32€.
  • “Diplomado/a” or “Ingeniero/a Técnico/a” Diploma (studies under old regulation): 75,38 €
  • Duplicates of official university diploma and DS: 35,39€ (in the case of degrees, it will be necessary to pay the fee for publication of the mandatory announcement in the Official State Gazette).
  • Certificate of Equivalence to the academic level of Doctor: 160 €

Fees for the remission of diplomas to official organizations:

  • To official bodies in Spain: 20€.
  • To official bodies in EU countries: 40€.
  • To official bodies of European countries not belonging to the EU: 50€.
  • To official organizations of other countries: 55€.

The discounts for Large Family, Disability, etc., foreseen in the regulations can be applied to these public prices. If when you start the application the system does not apply the corresponding reduction, do not complete the process and contact your Student Office, sending them the supporting documentation so that it can be applied.


On the receipt of the diploma application, the web address of UC3M appears, where its validity can be checked, so it is not necessary to provide a stamped copy when it is presented to any institution.

On the other hand, the validity of the diploma can be checked through the website of the Ministry of Education. If you want to authorize someone to check the authenticity of your diploma, you must first get a code through the Ministry's electronic office, and then provide it to whoever you wish, who will be able to check it on this other page.


  • Decreto 43/2022, de 29 de junio, del Consejo de Gobierno, por el que se establecen los precios públicos por estudios universitarios conducentes a títulos oficiales y servicios de naturaleza académica en las universidades públicas de la Comunidad de Madrid.
  • Real Decreto 822/2021, de 28 de septiembre, por el que se establece la organización de las enseñanzas universitarias y del procedimiento de aseguramiento de su calidad.
  • Real Decreto 195/2016, de 13 de mayo, por el que se establecen los requisitos para la expedición del Suplemento Europeo al Título Universitario de Doctor.
  • Real Decreto 22/2015, de 23 de enero, por el que se establecen los requisitos de expedición del Suplemento Europeo a los títulos regulados en el Real Decreto 1393/2007, de 29 de octubre , por el que se establece la ordenación de las enseñanzas universitarias oficiales y se modifica el Real Decreto 1027/2011, de 15 de julio, por el que se establece el Marco Español de Cualificaciones para la Educación Superior.
  • Real Decreto 967/2014, de 21 de noviembre, por el que se establecen los requisitos y el procedimiento para la homologación y declaración de equivalencia a titulación y a nivel académico universitario oficial y para la convalidación de estudios extranjeros de educacción superior, y el procedimiento para determinar la correspondencia a los niveles del marco español de cualificaciones para la educación superior de los títulos oficiales de Arquitecto, Ingeniero, Licenciado, Arquitecto Técnico, Ingeniero Técnico y Diplomado.
  • Real Decreto 1002/2010, de 5 de agosto, sobre expedición de títulos universitarios oficiales.
  • Real Decreto 1044/2003, de 1 de agosto, por el que se establece el procedimiento para la expedición por las universidades del Suplemento Europeo al Título.
  • ORDEN de 8 de julio de 1988 para la aplicación de los Reales Decretos 185/1985 de 23 de enero, y 1496/1987, de 6 de noviembre en materia de expedición de títulos universitarios oficiales.

Online application
