University courses and Micro-credentials
- Masters
- School of Continuing Education
- University courses and Micro-credentials
These are specific courses of less than 15 ECTS, access to which may or may not require a previous university degree. They are based on measurable learning outcomes, assessed on an individual basis.
They focus on specialised subjects, based on the identification of skills shortages in the productive sectors or social needs:
- Training for highly specialised re-qualification, enabling the updating of knowledge and the acquisition of new competences and skills.
- Training for reorientation to another professional activity or for the general population wishing to acquire new knowledge, skills and competences.
- Training for social insertion, insofar as they are designed so that vulnerable population groups can acquire relevant competences and skills to access a first job or facilitate access to higher education.
Undergraduate courses
University micro-credentials
- Data analysis tools: Power BI and Python
- Private Market Analysis
- International Industrial Property Regulation
- The Role of Audit in Today's Society
- AI and DATA: Application in Business Management
- Fashion Law: International Law and Fashion
- Afro-descendants in Latin America and the Caribbean
- Portfolio management. The case of Variable Income
- Linux Shell Programming
- Sustainable Finances
- Introduction to financial banking
- Regulation of International Industrial Property
- VOGUE Diploma in Creation and Management of Events
- AD Diploma of Interior Styling
- VOGUE Diploma in Fashion Law
- VOGUE Diploma in Fashion Styling and Production
Graduate courses
University micro-credentials