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Expert Diploma in the Economics of Regulated Markets

School of Continuing Education

Imagen fichas Másteres Propios
Álvaro Escribano Sáez (UC3M)
1 or 2 terms
Madrid - Puerta de Toledo

Opening December 9, 2025/26 academic year 

Institute of Economics

* Required fields

  • Inicio

    The Expert Diploma in the Economics of Regulated Markets is directed to students with a bachelor degree, engineers, or professionals, interested in an economic global vision of the industrial regulated sectors of Energy, Telecommunications, and Transport.

    The aim is to provide students with the knowledge of the economic sectors, in which regulatory issues and business decision arise, by presenting the tools and techniques of the economic analysis used in each studied industrial sector. As a result, the student should be able to perform reports related to the evaluation of projects within the area of specialization.


     * The program allows the completion of the full degree or one or more of the courses that comprise it.

    Espcialista en Mercados Regulados

    The syllabus of the Diploma in Economics of Regulated Markets consists of two groups of subjects plus a research project:

    The first (12 credits) consists of 2 Specialisation courses:

    ☛  Group 1. Sectoral courses. Choose 2:

    • Energy Economics I (6 credtis)
    • Energy Economics II (6 credits)
    • Transport Economics (6 credits)
    • Telecommunications Economics (6 credits)

    Second group (6 credits).

    ☛  Group 2. Elective courses. Choose 1:

    • A third sectoral specialisation course (6 credits)
    • Seminars on Competition Policy (6 credits)
    • Cost-Benefit Analysis (6 credits)

    Research project (2 credits)

    The student will present a paper on the sector of specialisation. The work must be directed by a lecturer or specialist in the sector. In either case, the Director must give his approval. The relevance of the work, its writing and presentation will be graded.

    All courses are offered by the Master in Industrial Economics and Markets and can be taken individually without the need to take the full degree. In this case there is the possibility to opt for the title of Expert by carrying out a research work of 2 credits once three courses have been taken.


    Faculty from the Economics and Business Economics Departments of the University Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) in collaboration with professionals of important firms are in charge of the teaching of these specialization courses.

    All faculty members of UC3M have Doctorate Degrees (Ph.D) from prestigious, internationally known universities, like the London School of Economics (LSE), University of California in Los Angeles (UCLA), and San Diego (UCSD). The professionals collaborating in the program come from different public and private companies who share their invaluable experience and in-depth knowledge of the different sectors. This collaboration, so far, has included firms as Iberdrola, RENFE, Telefónica, Samsung, Red Eléctrica de España, OMIE, CINTRA, Grupo Alsa, NERA, Quality Systems España, Spim, FEDIT, Auna, Cotec, and institutions such as Consejo Superior de Cámaras Oficiales de Comercio, Industria y Navegación de España, Comisión del Mercado de las Telecomunicaciones, Comisión Nacional de la Energía, and Comisión Nacional de Competencia.

    One of the key aspects for the success of these Specialist courses is the quality and research experience of instructors and the continuous updating of the syllabus of the courses to incorporate recent economic policy topics.


      Places available: 20

      Requirements: All candidates must hold a college degree or equivalent (in any country). Candidates in their last year to complete their degree may also apply. In this case, the acceptance is conditioned upon the completion of the degree.

      Admission Process:

      The deadline for submitting applications is June 30th. If after this date there are vacancies, an extraordinary period might be open in September.

      Candidates interested in enrolling in the program need properly scanned the following documents:

      • Application Form
      • Curriculum Vitae
      • Copy of DNI, NIE, or passport
      • Official academic transcript of the highest studies completed (including grades)
      • University degree
      • Justification in the case of being a member of the Association of Commercial Technicians and Economists of the State (ATCEE).
      • Any other information the applicant might consider relevant



      The request is made electronically through our application.



      Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
      Expert Diploma in Regulated Markets
      Campus Madrid Puerta de Toledo
      Ronda de Toledo, 5



      • UE students. 4000 € 
      • NO-UE students: 5.000 € 


      Payment of the registration fee for the programme may be divided into several instalments distributed as follows:

      • the first instalment, once you have been notified in writing of your admission, you must pay the amount of €500, as payment of the first instalment and reservation of place.
      • the second instalment of €1,750 for EU students and €2,250 for no-EU students, before 31 October.
      • the third instalment, for the amount of €1,750 for EU students and €2,250 for no-EU students, before 15 March.


      A refund of the reservation fee may only be requested in the event of the impossibility of attendance due to serious illness or any other reason of comparable seriousness, as well as in the event of force majeure.



      The price is 1,600 euros for the first 2 courses. From the third course onwards, a 50% discount will be applied.

      NOTE: Members of the Association of Commercial Technicians and Economists of the State (ATCEE) benefit from a 40% discount on the enrolment fee, both for the Specialist Degree and for each of the different courses that comprise it.



    This program offers a well-known accreditation of knowledge in economics of regulation applied to particular sectors (Energy, Transport and Telecommunications), which should facilitates your promotion within the company and improves your job opportunities in the near future. Most program speakers of each sector are high executives from the most important firms or well-known professors with experience in these sectors.

    Finally, since a large number of students work in firms of the same field, this Expert Degree offers a unique opportunity to expand your professional network.

  • AIDS

    ATCEE Associates Aids

    The University Carlos III of Madrid and the Association of Commercial Technicians and Economists of the State (ATCEE) have signed a Collaboration Agreement by which both institutions agree that ATCEE associates benefit from a 40% tuition fee subsidy, both in the Specialist Degree and in each of the different courses that comprise it.


    Sponsorship aids

    Thanks to the sponsorship of the companies that collaborate with the programme, grants of up to 60% of the tuition fees are available.

    To apply for this aid the student will have to send the following documents by e-mail to:

    • Application for aids
    • Letter of Motivation to the program director (Prof. Álvaro Escribano)
    • Copy received message of admission.



    Duration and Timetable 

    The specialization courses will take place at the Campus Madrid-Puerta de Toledo and most of the other courses will be taught at the Campus Getafe .

    The 20 ECTS required to complete the degree may be done in a single semester if all courses selected by the student are taught in that semester, otherwise, they would be completed in two semesters.

    Classes for the first semester begin at the end of September until the end of January, the second term begins in early February and ends in late May. All classes are taught in the afternoon, from 16:00 to 19:30.



    The objective is to provide students with knowledge of the economic sector in which regulatory and business decision-making problems arise. To this end, the tools and techniques of economic analysis for sectoral use will be developed and used. As a final result, the student should be able to produce reports and analyses related to the evaluation of projects within the sector of specialisation.



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