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UC3M Website General Terms of Use

Relation to UC3M:

This website,, is the official site of Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. As such, the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (henceforth, UC3M) will provide and be responsible for the services that said website offers.

In accordance with the provisions of Law 34/2002, of July 11, regarding the Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, it is set out that the website was created and is maintained, and is property of the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, established by Law 9/1989 of May 5,  and whose address, which users may refer to, is:

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
CIF Q2818029-G
School of Law and Social Sciences / School of Humanities, Communication and Library Science:
C/ Madrid, 126 - 28903 GETAFE (MADRID) SPAIN 

School of Engineering
Av. Universidad 30 - 28911 LEGANÉS (MADRID) SPAIN 

Colmenarejo Campus
Av. de la Universidad Carlos III, 22-28270 COLMENAREJO (MADRID) SPAIN

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid is a public entity with legal status and its own resources, and enjoys autonomy in accordance with the Constitution and state laws, subject to the coordination work corresponding to the government authority on education.

The Users of the Website may be research and teaching personnel, administrative personnel, students or outside users who have access to the university website.

The purpose of the UC3M website is to provide information about the organization, centers, campuses, departments and activities, both academic and extracurricular, of Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. It also provides an intranet termed “Campus Global” and a teaching platform called “Aula Global 2,” designed to support the teaching and learning processes.

In addition, the website allows access to links generated from the main website of UC3M. Through these links, the University provides access to different IT programs that provide diverse information and services such as administrative procedures, the library, repositories, projects, etc. 

Unless otherwise established by the User and UC3M through other channels, the agreement with UC3M will always include at minimum the terms and conditions stipulated in this document and which henceforth will be referred to as “General Terms of Use.”  As such, this document constitutes a legally binding agreement between the User and UC3M in relation to the use they make of the services provided.  In accordance with the foregoing, we recommend that they carefully read each of the conditions expressed herein.

At the same time, the use of specific services available to the User of this official website may be subject to special conditions, notices or instructions, which must be consulted and unconditionally accepted.

Acceptance of terms by the User

The UC3M website, within the services that it provides, has the option to classify the types of users on the site:

  •     a) Teaching and Research Personnel and/or Administrative Personnel (PAS) Users: academics, researchers and workers within the UC3M community. They will have access to the website to obtain and provide academic, administrative and orientative information, in general, all information related to UC3M.
  •     b) Student Users: all UC3M students who use the web site will have access to different programs such as academic, administrative or recreational information or information about the general services provided by the UC3M, but their use will be limited only to the conditions of their enrollment.
  •     c) Open Users: all individuals who uses the UC3M website freely to access information shared through the site without first having to register. 

To accept the “General Terms of Use,” the User has several options:

  •     a) Teaching and Research Personnel and/or Administrative Personnel (PAS) Users and Student     Users: by using the web site, they will be accepting the site’s “General Terms of Use.” Every time     they enter their Log-in and Password, they are agreeing to said “General Terms of Use” of the     UC3M intranet. In this case, users recognize and accept that, as of that moment, UC3M will     consider the use of services as an acceptance of the conditions established therein.
  •     b) Open Users: by using the services of the web site, every time they visit the site, they will be     accepting the site’s “General Terms of Use.”

Regardless of the type of user they are, if the User is not of legal age, or if they do not possess the legal status to receive the services in accordance with the laws of Spain and/or other countries, including the country where the user resides or uses the services, they will not be able to use the services or accept the “General Terms of Use” without the authorization of their legal guardians to formalize a binding agreement with UC3M.

It is important that the User print or save a copy of the “General Terms of Use” for future purposes.

The User acknowledges that the language in which the “General Terms of Use” are provided is Spanish, and that their relation to the UC3M will be governed by the Spanish version of the “General Terms of Use,” if for any reason these Terms have been translated into another language.

Should there be any contradiction between the provisions of the Spanish version of the “General Terms of Use” and those of the translation, said terms as stipulated in the Spanish version will always take precedence.

Provision of Services by UC3M

The UC3M website was created to communicate, store, update and disseminate the services of the UC3M Community in a digital format. It is an open-access on-line system, for which reason the User recognizes and accepts the web site as the provider of the services on behalf of UC3M.

The UC3M website constantly seeks to innovate in order to offer its users the best experience possible. As such, the User recognizes and accepts that the form and nature of the services provided by UC3M may occasionally change without prior notice, and the User is subject to and complies with these changes.

As a result of the process of constant innovation a university requires, the User acknowledges and accepts that the UC3M website, when necessary, might temporarily or permanently interrupt the services it offers the User without prior notice. Likewise, UC3M offers the user the option to stop using the services at any time, following the procedures outlined on the website.

The User acknowledges and accepts that if UC3M blocks access to their account, they might lose access to the services.

Use and Access by the User:

To access certain services in accordance with the type of user they are, the User may be requested to provide, online or in person, information about themselves such as personal ID or contact details as part of registering for the services, or as part of their continued use of the services. As such, the User accepts that the registration details they provide UC3M must be accurate, correct and up-to-date at all times.

The User is obliged to use the services only for purposes allowed by the “General Terms of Use” and any laws, regulations, generally accepted practices or guidelines for application in the corresponding jurisdictions, including the regulation concerning intellectual property with regard to the content of the website, and any other regulation applicable as a result of the nature of the provision of these services.

The User is obliged not to participate in any activity that hinders or interferes with the smooth functioning of the services or proper use of the content posted on the website, in compliance the restrictions that use of the same implies.

The User accepts that they are solely responsible for any breach of their obligations as established in the “General Terms of Use,” as well as for the consequences of said breach, without  UC3M having to assume any responsibility before the same or third parties.

Purpose of the Website:

The purpose of the UC3M website is to store, update and disseminate academic, scientific, cultural and research information about  the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Community in a digital, open-access format. It also seeks to enhance quality education, contributing to improving the system of communication in university education and access to knowledge in general.

In general, accessing and using the university website does not require previous registration by  users. However, access for some to certain services on the “Campus Global” intranet is contingent upon the registration of the user in the databases of UC3M. In these cases, personal details provided to UC3M as a consequence of using the web site will be processed by the same, under the conditions and terms specified in the “General Terms of Use” and the “Privacy Policies.”


The User acknowledges and accepts that the content housed on this website is of an academic, scientific, informational, administrative or investigative nature. The User acknowledges and accepts that the content is the sole responsibility of the person that originated it. The User recognizes and accepts that the content may be protected by intellectual property rights or partially or totally limited by some other instrument. As such, the User may not modify, rent, lease, lend, sell, distribute or create works derived from this content (either in part or in its entirety), unless this has been expressly authorized for it by the owner of those rights over the content by virtue of a separate contract or license.

The User acknowledges and accepts that in using the services of this website, they might be exposed to content that might be considered offensive, obscene or questionable to their belief and that, with regard to this matter, the User is the one who uses these services on their own account and at their own risk.

If the User detects any infraction of any of the rights about the content or any significant problem in the provision of said content, they may notify UC3M about it as soon as possible through the system of suggestions located on the website.

UC3M Licenses

The UC3M website consists of a public web site or open-access area and an intranet where private information about university personnel and students is stored. This intranet is called “Campus Global,” and it houses the teaching platform called “Aula Global 2.”

Both the base software of the public web site and “Campus Global” (intranet) fall under commercial product licenses. These licenses are contracted through third parties who are therefore responsible for the proper functioning of the base software. In addition, “Aula Global 2” (the teaching platform) is based on the base software “Moodle,” which has a public domain software license.

As such, the User acknowledges and accepts that these licenses of use are arranged by third-party intermediaries and that procedures resulting from applications that UC3M uses and adapts to create the public web site and “Campus Global” (intranet) are the sole responsibility of UC3M.

By contrast, “Moodle” is development software designed to give support to a framework of education or constructivist training. This software is distributed free of charge as free software (Open Source) under the public license GNU. “Moodle” can be adapted to the needs of the owner of the teaching platform. As such, UC3M, which is the contracting party of the license, may copy, use and modify “Moodle”, provided it is done to improve its use.

The User accepts and recognizes that only UC3M will be responsible for adaptations that rely on the base software of “Moodle” and will make them to maximize use of “Aula Global 2.”

Intellectual and Industrial Property

The name “Universidad Carlos III de Madrid,” as well as other distinctive graphic and denominative signs that appear on this website, is the exclusive property of UC3M, which has them duly registered. Its ownership grants that, in accordance with Article 34 of Law 17/2001, from December 7, about trademarks, in addition to other national legislation that might be applicable, the exclusive right to use the aforementioned distinctive signs for economic purposes. Consequently, their use by unauthorized third parties is prohibited.

The domain name and all those that serve to directly or indirectly access the website are owned exclusively by UC3M. The misuse of the same for economic purposes would entail a violation of the rights conferred by their registration and shall be sanctioned as established by law.

All the content published on the website on all its levels is protected with regard to intellectual property. Its use is limited to the authority of its owners in the corresponding license of use that details the content.

As such, the User agrees to respect the rights outlined and refrain from any behavior that might violate them. Accordingly, the unauthorized use of industrial or intellectual property rights by UC3M or the owners of the content on this website or the infringement of the peaceful possession and ownership of the aforementioned rights will be prosecuted according to Spanish and international law.

In this regard, UC3M reserves its rights to exercise civil or criminal proceedings, which protect its legal intellectual and industrial property rights.

Refusal of Service by UC3M

UC3M reserves the right to suspend service for reasons of maintenance, deny access to users for failure to meet the obligations outlined in these terms and suspend access to or the closing of the user’s account if it is believed that some of the rights on the website have been violated.

Limitation of Responsibility

UC3M is NOT responsible for the following situations:

  • For the content, if it offends the rights to the honor, the intimacy and the image of third parties.
  • If the posting of content by teaching personnel, administrative personnel or students infringes upon any other right of third parties, be it intellectual property, industrial property or some other one. 
  • For inaccuracies attributable to teaching personnel, administrative personnel or students, who are responsible for the ownership of the rights of the content that they publish or send to publish on the intranet of UC3M.
  • For possible damages or infractions that the publication of the content on the web site and intranet of the UC3M causes third parties.
  • The poor use that the User might make of the UC3M website.
  • The continuity of the content of the UC3M website.
  • The possibility of viruses or other damaging components, since the posting of some content does not depend on the administration of the web site but rather on the teachers, administrative personnel and students who use the site.
  • The content and services provided by other websites which can be accessed from the UC3M site.
  • The invulnerability of the UC3M website or the software used.
  • Damage or harm that any person can cause themselves or third parties. Damage or harm that infringe upon the “General Terms of Use” or regulations and instructions that are established on the website in general.
  • Damage caused by the breach of the website’s security systems.

It is the responsibility of UC3M with regard to licenses, permits and content on the website:

  • to provide the means necessary to integrate, conserve and preserve the intellectual production of UC3M through the virtual platform.
  • to facilitate the visibility of the content, the owners of the rights and UC3M in a digital space.
  • to provide tools for the production of available networking content
  • facilitate access to information free of charge.
  • to keep the user up to date about research, publications, activities, services, teaching material, etc. published by UC3M.
  • to limit the commitment by the user with regard to the content.

Other Content:

On the UC3M website, the User can find different links that Users themselves have placed about its content. These links will take the user to independent web pages. The singular purpose of this site is to facilitate access to other sources of information on Internet related to culture, research, information, education, etc.

However, although the services on the UC3M website might include hyperlinks to other websites, content or resources, the UC3M site cannot have control over web sites or resources provided by the User.

The User, then, acknowledges and accepts that UC3M will not be responsible for the availability of said sites or external resources, and that UC3M does not endorse the advertising, information, products or other materials available through said websites or resources.

Changes and Modifications:

UC3M may make changes to the “General Terms of Use” at any time, but when said changes are made, UC3M will include a new copy of the “General Terms of Use” on its website so that it is available to users.

The User acknowledges and accepts that if they use the services after the date when the “General Terms of Use” change, UC3M will consider the use to be a tacit acceptance of the new, updated version of the “General Terms of Use.”

General Regulations:

These “General Terms of Use” constitute an agreement between the User and UC3M and will regulate the use of the services on the UC3M website.

The User accepts that UC3M can send them notifications through its website, by electronic mail when necessary.

These “General Terms of Use” are regulated by Spanish law. Any controversy related to the UC3M website will be conducted before Spanish jurisdiction, subjecting the parties to courts and tribunals in Madrid and their superiors with express renunciation of special conditions if different from those described.