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Cabecera de página Programa Intercambio

Student Exchange Program (ENTER PROGRAM)

The graduate program of the Department of Economics is a member of a European network of doctoral schools, ENTER(European Network for Training in Economic Research), an initiative by eight of the leading economics departments in Europe, all of them with international graduate programs:

  • Universitat Autonoma Barcelona
  • Free University of Brussels
  • University of Mannheim
  • University of Stockholm
  • Tilburg University
  • Toulouse School of Economics
  • University College London
  • Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

ENTER offers a joint PhD-program in Economics provided by the eight partner universities of the network. The PhD-program consists of a coursework phase followed by a thesis-writing phase. Each ENTER PhD student selects one ENTER partner as his/her home university, where s/he does the coursework. To obtain the ENTER PhD degree, the student has then to spend at least one term at another university, and/or has supervisors from both universities. Selection for participation in the ENTER exchange program is on the basis of academic excellence.