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More information about the master

Foto del Campus de Getafe con alumnos conversando


Applicants must be in possession of a Bachelor’s Degree in Law or any other Degree in a related area of study as well as fulfilling the requirements established in art. 3 of Regulation 775/2011 of the Law 34/2006.

Applicants must have a solid previous academic background in law and law and economics. Vocation to the international legal practice and auditing on issues relating to European Union Law as well as awareness regarding European Union integration and the functioning of European Institutions at each stage of the decision making process is further demanded.

The Programme’s international approach requires a high proficiency in English and Spanish; further knowledge of foreign languages currently at use in international legal surrounding shall be positively assessed.

In the case of international students, applicants must be in possession of a Bachelor’s Degree in Law or any other Degree in a related area of study which allow pursue of further postgraduate studies.

Applicants that have not finished their previous studies can apply to the Programme with the condition of having finished said previous studies before the beginning of the new academic period.


  • The Spanish Advocates Mutual Authority, awarded the excelence of the LLM in European Union Law, issuing the Chair of the Authority in 2017.
  • Rafael Del Pino Foundation, awarded de excellency of the LL.M. in EU Law, by including the LL.M. in its Scholarship Program.
  • Jones Day rewards the students' excellence at the LL.M. in EU Law, awarding a Prize to the best dissertation in antitrust law. The Terms of the Jones Day Prize will be announced throughout the academic year.


La Embajadora de Lituania, Excma Sra Dña Lyra Puisyte-Bostroem

The Ambassador of Lithuania, H.E. Ms. Lyra Puisyte-Bostroem, gave a seminar on the geostrategic challenges of the EU.

Dimitri Berberoff en la conferencia inaugural del III Seminario sobre la aplicación judicial del Derecho de la UE en España

The Vice-President of the Supreme Court, H.E. Mr. Dimitry Berberoff, gave the inaugural lecture of the III Seminar on the judicial application of EU law in Spain.

El Teniente General Braco, y las Generales Herrera Abian y Manzanera en el seminario.

The Chief of the Air and Space Staff, Lieutenant General Braco, and Generals Herrera Abian and Manzanera, have given a seminar on the current challenges of Air Defence to the XXXV Promotion of the MUDUE.

Dimitry Berberoff y Cani Fernández recibien la Medalla de Honor del MUDUE

The Vice-President of the Supreme Court, Mr. Dimitry Berberoff, and the President of the CNMC, Mrs. Cani Fernández, received the MUDUE Medal of Honour at the Opening Ceremony of the XXXV Edition.

El Bundeskartellamt ha celebrado un seminario de formación dentro del Programa de Alto Nivel en la XXXV Edición del MUDUE

The Bundeskartellamt held a training seminar as part of the High-Level Programme at the XXXV Edition of the MUDUE, attended by 30 members of the institution.

Katalin Tóth, embajadora de Hungría en el seminario sobre los objetivos de la Presidencia húngara de la UE

The Ambassador of Hungary, H.E. Mrs. C. Toth, gave a seminar on the objectives of the Hungarian Presidency of the EU to the XXXV MUDUE Promotion.

Andree Zaimovic, en la conferencia sobre las negociaciones de adhesión de Bosnia a la UE

The Ambassador of Bosnia, H.E. Mrs. Andree Zaimovic, gave a lecture on Bosnia's accession negotiations to the EU, at the XXXV MUDUE Promotion.

Cani Fernández en la conferencia del XXXIV Curso de Derecho de la Competencia del MUDUE

The President of the CNMC gave a lecture, followed by a debate, at the XXXIV Course on Competition Law.

Gerard Cockx, embajador de Belgica, impartiendo un seminario en el MUDUE

The Ambassador of the Kingdom of Belgium, H.E. Mr. Gerard Cockx has given a seminar on the objectives of the Belgian presidency of the EU.

Dimitri Berberoff en la sesión inaugural del II Ciclo de conferencias sobre la aplicación judicial del Derecho de la UE en España

The Magistrate of the Third Chamber of the SC, Mr. Dimitri Berberoff, has given the inaugural lecture of the II Cycle of conferences on the judicial application of EU Law in Spain.

Aitor Navarro recibe el premio otorgado por el Freunde und Ehemalige des Max-Planck-Instituts für Steuerrecht und Öffentliche Finanzen e.V.

Aitor Navarro receives the award granted by the Freunde und Ehemalige des Max-Planck-Instituts für Steuerrecht und Öffentliche Finanzen e.V., for his contribution "An International Tax Law Research Agenda".

Embajadora de la RFA Excma.Sra.Dña .M.M.Grosse

The Ambassador of the FRG, H.E. Mrs. M.M. Grosse, gave a lecture on the strategic challenges of the EU.

foto de familia de la XXXIV cohorte del MUDUE con el juez del TJUE Sinisa Rodin

Family photo of the XXXIV MUDUE cohort with CJEU judge Sinisa Rodin.

Teniente General Braco Carbo en el seminario Seguridad y Defensa

Lieutenant General Braco Carbo gave a seminar on Security and Defense to the XXXIV MUDUE Promotion.

El Juez Sinisa Rodin impartió la Lectio de apertura de la XXXIV Edición del MUDUE

Judge Sinisa Rodin delivered the opening Lectio of the XXXIV Edition of the MUDUE.

Cani Fernández clausura la XXXIII Edición del MUDUE

The President of the CNMC, Cani Fernández, gave the Closing Seminar of the XXXIII Edition of the MUDUE on May 25, 2023.

XI Edición del Premio Jones Day Profesor Illescas

The XI Edition of the Jones Day-Professor Illescas Award was held.

Presentación en el Senado del libro sobre Jurisprudencia de la Gran Sala del TJUE

On May 4, the book on the Jurisprudence of the Grand Chamber of the CJEU directed by Carlos Moreiro y Rosario Silva was presented at the Senate.

Seminario sobre La defensa del Estado de Derecho en la UE

On May 17, a High Level International Seminar on The Defense of the Rule of Law in the EU was held at the Rafael del Pino Foundation. The seminar was organized by the MUD/UC3M, the CELS of the University of Cambridge and the European Commission.

La Embajadora de los EE.UU., Excma. Sra. Dña. J.Reynoso, impartio un seminario en el master

The U.S. Ambassador, H.E. Ms. Julissa Reynoso, gave a high-level seminar at the master's program under the chairmanship of H.E. Mr. Rector Magnificent of the uc3m on March 9.

Accar Nurretin, CEO de IKEA, impartiendo un seminario sobre sostenibilidad en la produccion y distribucion comercial

IKEA CEO Accar Nurretin has given a seminar on sustainability in commercial production and distribution on March 24, 2023.

Alejandro Martínez Luna, ganador de la edición 2022 del Premio Rafael Illescas-Jones Day

Alejandro Martínez Luna, student of the Master's Degree in European Union Law, winner of the 2022 edition of the Rafael Illescas-Jones Day Award.

Dimitri Berberoff en la sesión inaugural del I Seminario sobre la aplicación judicial del Derecho de la Unión

Mr. Dimitri Berberoff, Justice of the Supreme Court, gave the inaugural session of the First Seminar on the Judicial Application of European Union Law, with the participation of prestigious judges from various Spanish courts.

Alejandro Martínez Luna, ganador del X Premio Jones Day - Profesor Rafael Illescas.

On June 9, 2022, the X Jones Day - Professor Rafael Illescas Award was held among the students of the XXXII Edition of MUDUE. Congratulations to Alejandro Martínez Luna, winner of the award for the best dissertation in Competition Law. The jury was composed of Prof. Rafael Illescas, Rosario Silva, Amadeo Petitbo, Carlos Moreiro and Marta Delgado.

Carlos J. Moreiro González, pronunció la conferencia del día de la Federación Valonia-Bruselas en la Residencia del Embajador de Bélgica en España

The Director of the LLM in EU Law, Prof. Carlos J. Moreiro, gave the conference of the day of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation at the Residence of the Ambassador of Belgium in Spain.

The event was attended by the Rector of UC3M, Prof. Juan Romo, and numerous personalities from the legal and business fields.

Rosario Silva de Lapuerta, elegida ACADEMICA de la Real Academia de Jurisprudencia y Legislación

The President of the Academic Council of MUDUE, Her Excellency Ms.​ Rosario Silva, has been elected ACADEMIC of the Royal Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation. Monday, May 30, 2022.

Carlos J. Moreiro González, nombrado Embajador de Valonia, Reino de Belgica

The Director of the LLM in EU Law, Prof. Dr. Carlos J. Moreiro Gonzalez, has been appointed Ambassador of Wallonia, Kingdom of Belgium, in recognition of his contribution to the strengthening of bilateral relations between Spain and Belgium and his recognized career as a jurist committed to European Integration.

Reunión de Alumni del MUDUE

MUDUE Alumni Meeting. On December 9, the act of constitution of the MUDUE Alumni Group was held.

Prof. Dr. C. J. Moreiro Gonzalez, impartió el seminario de clausura del CELS de La Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Cambridge

The Director of the LL.M. in EU Law, Prof. C. J. Moreiro Gonzalez, gave the closing seminar of the CELS at Cambridge University Law School on May 16.

Excma. Sra. Dña Rosario Silva de Lapuerta

Her Excellency Ms. Rosario Silva de Lapuerta, President of the Academic Council of the LLM in EU Law, has been awarded the Ruth Bader Ginsburg Medal of Honor of the World Jurist Association (WJA).

Conferencia impartida por el Profesor Dr. Carlos Moreiro González

Conference-debate "El Principio Democrático y la Defensa de los Valores Fundamentales de la UE"

Conference given by Professor Carlos Moreiro González.

November 11, 2021, 4:00 p.m. Salón de Grados of Puerta de Toledo Campus

Joaquín González Herrero, Fiscal Europeo Delegado

Mr. Joaquín González Herrero, Professor of the MUDUE, has been appointed Deputy European Public Prosecutor.

Cani Fernandez clausura la XXXI Edición del MUDUE

Cani Fernández, President of the National Commission of Markets and Competition (CNMC), closes the XXXI Edition of the MUDUE.

H.Mock, Embajador de la Confederación Suiza

H.E. Ambassador of the Swiss Confederation, H.Mock, has given a seminar on EU-Switzerland relations on March 17, 2021.

Excm. Sr. Embajador de la Rep. de Portugal, D. J.Mira-Gomes

H.E. Ambassador of the Republic of Portugal, Mr. J. Mira-Gomes, gave a seminar on the Portuguese Presidency of the EU on March 22, 2021.

El Excm.Sr.Embajador del Reino de Belgica

The H.E. Mr.​ Ambassador of the Kingdom of Belgium gave a seminar on European action against climate change on February 11.

Jean Michel Casa, Embajador de la Rep. Francesa en España

H.E. Mr. Jean Michel Casa, Ambassador of the French Republic in Spain, gave a colloquium conference on the challenges of European integration on February 25, 2021.

Excm. Sr. D. Hugh Elliott, Embajador del Reino Unido

The Ambassador of the United Kingdom, H.E. Mr. Hugh Elliot, has led a seminar on the future EU/UK relationship, post Brexit, at the MUDUE, on October 19, 2020.

El Embajador de la RFA ,Excm.Sr .D.Wolfgang Dold

The Ambassador of the FRG, H.E. Wolfgang Dold gave a seminar on November 17, 2020 at the MUDUE.

Christine Lagarde, presidenta del BCE

At the invitation of the European Central Bank, students from the EU Master's Degree in Law will participate in the Online ECB Youth Dialogue with Christine Lagarde on Wednesday 27 May 2020 at 9.30am.

Excma. Sra. Dña. Nives Malenica, Embajadora de la República de Croacia

H.E. Mrs. Nives Malenica, Ambassador of the Republic of Croatia to the Kingdom of Spain spoke to the students of the XXXI Promotion about the balance of the Croatian Presidency in the Council of the EU.

Koen Lenaerts, presidente del TJUE, inaugura la XXX Edición

The President of the CJEU, Koen Lenaerts, inaugurates the XXX Edition of MUDUE.

Opening ceremony of the XXX Edition

Cani Fernandez, nueva asesora de Moncloa

Cani Fernández, Cuatrecasas' star partner and one of the most internationally renowned lawyers in Spain, has been hired as a new advisor to Pedro Sánchez's Office of the President.

Cástor Miguel Díaz Barrado, académico de número electo en la Real Academia de Jurisprudencia y Legislación de España

Cástor Miguel Díaz Barrado, elected member of the Royal Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation of Spain The new Academician is Professor of International Public Law and International Relations at the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid.

Allen & Overy, y RBB Economics se han incorporado al Consejo Académico del Máster

Allen & Overy and RBB Economics, have joined the LL.M. in EU Law to reinforce the Practice in Competition Law.

El Secretario de Estado de Cooperación Internacional y para Iberoamérica y el Caribe, D. Juan Pablo de la Iglesia

The Spanish Secretary of State of International Cooperation, Latin America and the Caribbean, Mr. Juan Pablo de la Iglesia, delivered his conference at the XXIX ed. of the LL.M. in EU Law: "The role of Spain in the International Relations among the EU, Latin America and the Caribbean". The lesson took place on April 26th before the students of the LL.M. and the Director, Mr. C.J. Moreiro González.

Excm.Sr.D.Fernando Fernández Arias, Embajador Director de la Escuela Diplomática

The Ambassador Director of the Diplomatic School, H.E. Mr. Fernando Fernández Arias, will give a lecture on April 25 on the protection of Human Rights in the EU.

Javier Ramírez ,Vicepresidente de H.P. y miembro del Claustro y del Consejo Académico del MUDUE

Javier Ramírez, Vice President of H.P. and member of the Faculty and Academic Council of MUDUE, has been distinguished by "CHAMBERS" for his excellent professional career.

Cani Fernandez, profesora del Máster Universitario en Derecho de la Unión Europea

Cani Fernandez, professor of the Master's Degree in European Union Law and coordinator of her subject Judicial remedies in the law of the EU, has been chosen "star individual" by Chambers in the category of Competition Law.

News: Estas son las estrellas de la abogacia española

Prof. Carlos J. Moreiro, Director del Máster, nombrado Académico de la Academia de la Diplomacia del Reino de España.

Professor Carlos Moreiro, Director of the LL.M in EU Law, has been appointed Academic of the Academia of Diplomacy of the Kingdom of Spain and received his Credentials at the Official Ceremony celebrated on Friday 14th December 2018, at the headquarters of Madrid Economic Society.

Deloitte se incorpora al Consejo Académico del Máster

Deloitte consulting accesses the Academic Board of LL.M. in EU Law and becomes a collaborating organization. With this last accession, the Master counts with the full membership of all Big 4 in accountancy services.

D. Pau Roca, Profesor del Máster y miembro de su Consejo Académico

Mr. Pau Roca, Professor of the LL.M. in EU Law and member of its Academic Board, has been elected Secretary General of the International Organization of Wine.

Rosario Silva de Lapuerta nombrada Vicepresidenta del Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea

Mrs. Rosario Silva de Lapuerta, Medal of Honor of the LL.M. and Master's Faculty founding member, has been appointed Vice President of the ECJ.

D. Luís de Guindos, inauguró la XXIX ed. del Máster en Derecho de la UE

His Excellency Mr. Luis de Guindos, Vice President of the ECB, opened the XXIX ed. of the LL.M. in EU Law, delivering his lectio magistralis: "Building a Resilient Economic and Monetary Union". The Ceremony took place the 5th October 2018 at the Carlos III University Campus of Puerta de Toledo, at the presence of D. Juan Romo, Provos of the UC3M, the students of the LL.M and the academic community.

D. Yeray Escribano Flores recibe el Premio Jones Day

Mr. Yeray Escribano Flores, student of the XXVIII ed. of the LL.M in EU Law, is awarded with the Jones Day Prize for the best dissertation in Competition Law, at the handing over ceremony, that took place the 5th October 2018. Ceremony was chaired by Mr. Carlos Moreiro, Director of the LL.M, Mr. Amadeo Petitbó, President of the Evaluation Committee and Mrs. Marta Delgado Echevarría, Partner Attorney at Jones Day.

evento del 25 de septiembre sobre el Brexit

The 25th of September 2018, at the EU Institutions representation seat in Madrid, took place the international seminar: "Brexit and the new relationship UK - EU". The event was organized by the Director of the LLM in EU Law and Jean Monnet Chair ad personam in EU Law, Prof. C. J. Moreiro González.

Catedrática Paz Andrés de Santa María

Professor Paz Andrés de Santa María, member of the Faculty of the LLM. in EU Law, has been appointed Counselor of the Bank of Spain.

Profesora Albertina Albors-Llorens

Professor Albertina Albors-Llorens, Chair of EU Law and Deputy Director of the Center for European Legal Studies at the University of Cambridge, will assume the coordination of the subject of EU and Spanish Competition Law for the academic year 2018/2019.

Prof. Carlos J. Moreiro, Director del Máster en Derecho de la Unión Europea

The Director of the LL.M. in EU Law, Prof. Dr. Carlos J. Moreiro González, introduces his last monography: "El procedimiento acelerado ante el TJUE" (The accelerated procedure, before the ECJ), Tirant Lo Blanc, 2018, at the second edition of the international Study-days of the European Academy of Legal Practice. Madrid, Notary Association Headquarters, on Thursday 10th may 2018.

Excma. Dña. Rosario Silva recibe Premio

European Court of Justice Judge Mrs. Rosario Silva receives at hands of former President of EU Parliament Mr. José María Gil Robles, the Diploma and Honor Medal for Excellence in the ceremony for the XXV Anniversary of the Master of European Union Law.

Acto de entrega de medallas 19 octubre 2015

On the occasion of the XXV Anniversary of the Master in European Law, a ceremony took place at the Office of the European Parliament in Spain leading to the appointment of several distinguished authorities within EU Law research fields and legal practice. The Dean of the University Carlos III, Prof. Juan Romo, chaired the ceremony alongside Master’s Director, Prof. Carlos Moreiro, the Director of EU Parliament Office in Spain, Mr. Ignacio Samper, and former presidents of the EU Parliament Mr. José María Gil Robles and Enrique Barón.

D. Miguel Arias Cañete pronuncia la Conferencia-coloquio del Consejo Académico del Máster

The European Union Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy, Mr. Miguel Arias Cañete delivers the Conference-symposium of the Academic Board of the LLM in European Union Law opening the XXVIII Edition.

Abogada General Eleanor Sharpston pronuncia la lectio magistralis el día 27 de Octubre de 2017

The Advocate General Eleanor Sharpston delivers the lectio magistralis opening the XXVIII Edition of the LLM in European Union Law of the UC3M, and participates in a debate moderated by the Director of the LLM, Prof. Dr. C. J. Moreiro González.