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Seminarios Master Ingeniería Informatica

Generic Programming in C++

Generic programming has been the backbone of the ISO C++ standard library and much other code for decades. With C++20 the support for generic programming has improved to the point where we can improve our design techniques.

This talk reviews the current language support for generic programming focusing on concepts, compile-time evaluation, type deduction, and modules. Relying on those features significantly improves the ways we can express our ideas.

I will also present a few examples where even C++23 doesn’t completely support the needs of modern generic programming.


Bjarne Stroustrup │ Universidad de Columbia, creador del lenguaje C++


  • Martes 13 de febrero, 16:00 h. │ Salón de grados del edificio Padre Soler.

Process Mining y Process Automation | Celonis

Celonis is a SaaS company that offers solutions to companies to be more efficient in the performance of their processes.


The seminar will introduce the company and cover the following topics:

  • Process Mining (Discovery & Enhancement)
  • Celonis Execution Apps
  • Use cases in different industries
  • Process automation (Action Flows & Make), PQL, EMS Marketplace
  • Use of APIs in Celonis


November 27, 28 and 29, 2023.

  • Monday, November 27, from 15:00 to 17:00 │ Aula 2.3.C02B
  • Tuesday November 28, from 15:00 to 16:30 │ Aula 2.3.A02
  • Wednesday, November 29, from 15:00 to 17:30 │ Aula 2.3.C02B

The seminar lasts 5 hours.


In this seminar, students will acquire knowledge of the most innovative tools that can help them meet the requirements demanded by the career market.

Two lectures will be given:

Lecture 1: Impulsando la mayor transformación digital en décadas con IA Generativa y Metaverso, ¿nos acompañas?


Carolina Olegario Medina │ Senior Consulting Associate en PwC Spain

Ignacio De Gregorio │ Technology Consulting Manager en PwC Spain


  • November 21, from 15:00 to 17:00 │ Classroom 2.3.A05 

Lecture 2: Un entorno tecnológico adecuado puede impactar a los estados financieros, conócelo


Raúl Hernando Rodríguez │ Senior Digital Assurance & IT Audit en PwC


  • November 22, from 15:00 to 17:00 │ Classroom 2.3.C02B

Introducción a SYCL y MLIR: Dos Piezas Clave para Aplicaciones Inteligencia Artificial y Computación de altas prestaciones

In this seminar, we will introduce two hot topics in the world of artificial intelligence and high performance computing: SYCL and MLIR.

The first half of the seminar will be devoted to SYCL, an open programming model for heterogeneous computing based on C++, which allows programmers to write code that will run on CPUs, GPUs, FPGAs and other accelerators. After this introduction, we will do a short tutorial in which we will learn how to write a simple program using SYCL that can run on various hardware. In this way, we will all be able to use SYCL in our future projects.

Next, we will introduce MLIR, a compiler framework created by Google and now part of the LLVM project. One of the main motivations behind MLIR was to obtain an infrastructure for machine learning compilers, but it was always conceived as a generic solution to the problems of modern compiler frameworks. As an example of use, we will show SYCL-MLIR, a collaborative project between Codeplay and Intel that uses MLIR to accelerate SYCL applications.


Víctor Pérez │ CodePlay

Victor Perez is a software engineer at Codeplay Software, where he is part of the compiler R&D team, mainly focused on SYCL compilers. Recently, he has participated in the development of SYCL-MLIR, a new frontend for clang based on MLIR. He studied computer engineering at UPM and a joint master's degree at UPM, UCM and UAM. During this time, he worked at IMDEA software, developing static analysis and verification of Prolog programs.


  • Thursday, November 23, from 13:00 to 15:00 │ Classroom 2.3.A4

El papel del CDTI en la promoción de la innovación y el desarrollo tecnológico de las empresas

Seminar whose objective is to publicize the work of the CDTI (Centro para el desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial) helping companies in R+D+i projects.

  • What is R+D+i?
  • Need for public R+D+i financing
  • National funding: CDTI and other entities (MINECO, ...)
  • International funding: Horizon Europe and other funding programs (Eurostars, Iberoeka, etc).


Enrique Pelayo │ Punto Nacional de Contacto del CDTI (Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial)


  • Thursday, November 16, from 15:00 to 16:00  │ Aula 2.3.A04

Consejo General de Colegios de Ingeniería Informática | ¿Tiene sentido un Colegio Profesional de Informática?

Seminar on the aspects of the computer engineering profession, the role of the professional associations of computer engineering as well as the regulation of computer science in the current context.


Fernando Suárez Lorenzo │ President, Consejo General de Colegios de Ingeniería en Informática


  • Friday October 20, from 15:00 to 17:00  │ Classroom 2.3.C02B

Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural: Historia, logros y retos

The talk will show the advances in the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP) from its beginnings to the latest innovations in Generative Artificial Intelligence, such as ChatGPT, the chatbot of the company OpenAI whose launch has been the fastest in history, reaching one million users in just five days.

The evolution of PLN in the framework of Artificial Intelligence and the results of these systems will be reviewed, showing their achievements, their current limitations and the areas in which researchers are working to improve their accuracy and extend their capabilities.


Jose Carlos González Cristóbal │ Reddit Inc.


  • Wednesday, October 18, from 15:00 to 17:00 │ Classroom 2.3.C02B

BBVA | Computación en Finanzas Cuantitativas

Have you ever wondered why STEM profiles are in the majority within the financial markets? Did you know how new technologies impact the way in which financial markets are traded? Do you know how machine learning or high performance computing impact the way business is done?

During our seminar we hope to solve these questions, but generate some more.


  1. Introduction
  2. Quantitative Development
  3. Front office systems architecture
  4. DevOps and software engineering internships in quantitative finance
  5. Implementation of derivative valuation models


From October 2 to 6 from 15:00-17:00.

  • Monday, October 2 │ Classroom 2.3.C02B
  • Tuesday, October 3 │ Classroom 2.3.A02
  • Wednesday, October 4 │ Classroom 2.3.C02B
  • Thursday, October 5 │ Classroom 2.3.A04
  • Friday, October 6 │ Classroom 2.3.C02B