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Joint Programmes




Framework: YERUN network

Project: LinkEduRes: Linking Education and Research towards the European Education Area

  • When: 28th, 29th, 30th of March, 2022
  • Venue: Madrid-Puerta de Toledo Campus. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
  • Format: Hybrid event (on-site participation encouraged) 
  • Participants: PhD students, PhD graduates, Advisors, PhD Program´s coordinators, Staff from Doctoral Schools


Welcome to the Staff Week: International cooperation in doctoral education: Findings and the way forward

The Staff Week is organized by the University Carlos III de Madrid as part of the Erasmus+ project Joint Programmes at Doctorate Level in a European University Network: Linking Education and Research towards the European Education Area (Link EDU-RES). The event will take place at the Madrid-Puerta de Toledo campus at University Carlos III de Madrid.

The event aims at bringing together and connect deans, advisors, researchers, doctoral candidates, administrative staff, and other university members involved with or interested in the administration and initiation of joint programmes or international cooperation at doctoral level. 

We would like to create an opportunity to discuss the vision behind joint programmes and opportunities of international cooperation for both institutions and individuals. 

We will also consider the EU opportunities that Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions bring by its Doctoral Networks. Experiences undergone by different international schemes will be presented.

The main findings of interest to doctoral students learned along the project will be discussed. Steps and stops on the way to joint doctoral education as well as insights into the reality of doctoral research in more than one institution will be at the focus.

Yerun Logo


The Link EDU-RES project is co-financed by the Erasmus + program of the European Union. The content of this website is the sole responsibility of Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) and neither the European Commission nor the Spanish Service for the Internationalization of Education (SEPIE) are responsible for the use that may be made of the information disclosed here.


Ms. Pilar Lázaro. uc3m Doctoral School (

Mr. Pawel Grzeskow. uc3m International Office (






DAY 1: Monday 28.03.2022

14:00. Welcome at venue (lunch-buffet). Madrid-Puerta de Toledo Campus.

14:30. Registration (on-campus and on-line)

15:00-15:30. Official Welcome

15:30. Promoting Education Collaboration in YERUN 

  • Silvia Gómez Recio. YERUN General Secretary PDF

16:00. Coffee break

16:30. International Collaboration at Doctorate Level in depth: LINK EDU-RES Project

Brief presentation of the project.

  • Pieter Spooren. Director of Antwerp Doctoral School and Project Manager PDF

16:45. Round table: Hotspots and main findings of interest to doctoral students

Chair: Pieter Spooren. University of Antwerp

16:45. Helping doctoral candidates in their international choices: Toolbox for doctoral candidates

  • Sanja Bahun. University of Essex PDF

17:15. Findings from doctoral graduates experiences

  • Marco Celentani, Dean of uc3m Doctoral School PDF

17:45. Summarizing: Pieter Spooren

18:00. End of day 1

18:30. Optional city walk: Madrid de los Austrias


DAY 2: Tuesday 29.03.2022

9:30. Coffee-chat (on campus)

10:00: Welcome and Overview of Day 2

Opportunities and Experiences in International Doctoral Collaboration

  • Ana Acebrón. Director of International Affairs-uc3m

10:05. Launching Doctoral Networks in Europe: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions

  • Chair: Cristina Velasco, Head officer of European Research Projects-uc3m

10:15. Opportunities: European call for MSC Doctoral networks

  • Jesús Rojo, National Contact Point MSC, Fundación madrimasd PDF

10:45. Round Table: Experiences in HORIZON 2020 Marie Curie Actions:

10:45. uc3m experience: European Training Network, MSC Action. “New RAN TEchniques for 5G“ PDF

  • Ana García Armada (Project Leader at uc3m)
  • David A. Urquiza (Doctoral Candidate at uc3m)

11:15. IMDEA Materials-uc3m experience: European Training Network, MSC Action. “BIOIMPLANT“ PDF1  PDF2

  • Javier Llorca (Thesis Advisor and Project leader at IMDEA Materials)
  • Cillian Thompson (doctoral candidate at IMDEA-uc3m)

11:45. Summarizing: Cristina Velasco

12:00. Coffee break

12:30. Joint Doctorates: a formal way to foster Doctoral Education: advantages and barriers

  • Chair: Marco Celentani, Dean of uc3m Doctoral School

12:30. uc3m Experience: Erasmus Mundus Plasma Physics PhD Program PDF

  • José Miguel Reynolds (PhD Program Coordinator)
  • José Ramón Martín Solís (PhD Program Coordinator)

PhD graduates:

  • Luis Vela Vela, Senior Solution Engineer, LuxProvide (Luxembourg)
  • William A. Gracias, Monaco-ITER Post-doctoral Fellow, Iter Organisation (France)
  • Toon Weyens, Customer-facing Data Scientist @DataRobot (Netherlands)
  • Hugo Peraza Rodriguez, Lead Design Engineer, ASML (Netherlands)
  • Masa Scepanovic, Senior Analyst, IDOM (Spain)
  • Alena Gogoleva, Technical Support Engineer, Guidewire Software (Spain)

13:15: uc3m Experience: International Collaboration agreement fostering Doctoral Education: experience in the field of Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Automation PDF

  • David Martín Gómez (uc3m promoter and thesis advisor)
  • Carlo Regazzoni (Univ di Genova promoter and thesis advisor)
  • Lucio Marcenaro (Univ di Genova Faculty)
  • Doctoral candidates:
    Hafsa Iqbal and Sheida Nozari

14:00. Summarizing: Marco Celentani

14:30. End of Day 2

14:30-15:30. Lunch-buffet

20:00. Official Dinner


DAY 3: Wednesday 30.03.2022

9:30 : Coffee-chat (on campus)

10:00: Welcome and Overview of Day 3

What we have learned along the Project. Looking at doctoral international cooperation

  • Chair: Marco Celentani, Dean of uc3m Doctoral School PDF

10:15: Commonalities and barriers that we face when organizing Joint/Double PhD degrees

  • Lavinia Kortese and Susanne Sivonen, Maastricht University PDF

11:00. Coffee break

11:30. Support to international cooperation at Doctoral level from universities

Organizational structures inside Universities (Doctoral Schools, Support Services to Incoming/Outgoing Doctoral Students)

  • Chair: Pieter Spooren, Director of Antwerp Doctoral School and Project Manager

Presentation from Universities participating in the project:

  • Laura Ruddick, Senior PGR Manager / Leanne Andrews, Faculty Dean Postgraduate, University of Essex PDF
  • Marie Sander, Bremen University PDF
  • Margot Chauliac and Margo Van der Mueren, Antwerp University PDF
  • Marco Celentani, Dean of uc3m Doctoral School PDF

13:00. Closing Discussion and Wrap-up

  • Marco Celentani and Pieter Spooren

13:30. Current new projects: YUFE

  • Matilde Pilar Sánchez Fernández, Vice Rector for Internationalization and European University

14:00. Closing and farewell

14:00-15:00. Lunch-buffet