Advanced Materials Mechanics
- Grupos de investigación
- Engineering
- Advanced Materials Mechanics

Head of Research Group:
The Mechanics of Advanced Materials research group is made up of a multidisciplinary team of Aeronautical, Civil, Mechanical and Materials Engineers.
The group works integrating theory, experiment and computational modelling. Major themes are analysis and modelling of composite structural elements subjected to dynamic loads, as well as the study of damage tolerance. The group has extensive experience in developing special testing methodologies.
Research fields

The Mechanics of Advanced Materials research group works in a wide range of research areas from the experimental as well as the numerical and analytical perspectives. Its main research interest are the following:
- Analysis and modelling of laminate and sandwich structures subjected to high and low velocity impact.
- Analysis and modelling of crashworthiness of composite structures.
- Damage tolerance analysis of composite structural elements subjected to different load conditions.
- Innovation and development of non-conventional testing methodologies for structural elements subjected to impact loads, with special emphasis on damage tolerance evaluation.
- Experimental analysis and numerical modelling of the mechanical behaviour of composite structures under dynamic conditions.
Publications are divided into two categories:
- Scientific Articles
List of and links to articles published by research group members. - Conferences
List of conferences in which research group members have participated.
Research Proyects
In this section you can obtain a variety of information on the projects headed by research group members, reflecting their interest in the development of new technologies.
The information is divided into three large groups, which may be accessed through the links available on the right.
- Nationwide Competitive Projects
List of the group's nationwide research projects. - Region-wide Competitive Projects
List of the group's region-wide research projects. - Collaborative Projects
List of collaborative projects with leading companies.
The equipment available to the research group is part of the Department of Continuum Mechanics and Structural Analysis of University Carlos III of Madrid, to which the research group's members have contributed.
Numerical Capabilities
It includes:
Finite Element Codes installed: Abaqus/Standard, Abaqus/Explicit, Ls-Dyna, Autodyn 2D, Cosmos
Linux Operating System:
- 2 work stations with 16 x 86-64 core and 16 GB RAM memory
- 1 work station with 2 Itanium cores and 4 GB RAM memory
- 2 work stations with 4 x 86-64 cores and 4 GB RAM memory
- 2 work stations with 4 x 86-32 cores and 4 GB RAM memory
Test Capabilities
The experimental equipment is part of the Laboratorio de Caracterización Mecánica (LabMec, Laboratory of Mechanical Characterisation), which belongs to the Red de Laboratorios de la Comunidad de Madrid (Madrid Region Network of Laboratories). The group members have made a significant contribution to its development.
Department of Continuum Mechanics and Structural Analysis web page
Laboratorio de Caracterización Mecánica (LabMec) web page
- Catalogue of the Madrid Region Laboratory and Infrastructure Network (Red de laboratorios de la comunidad de Madrid)
This document presents a selection of testing and calibration laboratories and research infrastructure located in the Madrid region, which includes this research group. - Aerospace Technologies
The research group in the technology catalogue, technical services and R+D programmes in the Madrid Region's Office for Research Commercialisation. - Technologies for Safety
The research group in the technology catalogue, technical services and R+D programmes in the Madrid Region's office for Research Commercialisation.
Contact us
Mecánica de Materiales Avanzados
Enrique Barbero Pozuelo
Escuela Politécnica Superior
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Av. Universidad 30 - 28911 LEGANÉS (MADRID) ESPAÑA
Télefono: (+34) 91 624 99 65
Fax: (+34) 91 624 94 30