The Structural Element Dynamics and Fracture Group is made up of a consolidated, multidisciplinary team of civil engineers, industrial engineers and aeronautical engineers, with broad experience in providing innovative solutions in experimental, analytical and numerical analysis of mechanical behaviour as well as in adaptation in the service of mechanical and structural components.
We provide service to industry in those areas that require knowledge of the mechanical properties of any kind of material at different deformation speeds and temperatures, especially in dynamic conditions and upon impact.
Our objetive is to provide high added value to companies that are committed to development, innovation and, in short, competitiveness. The analysis of structural component behaviour constitutes the technological offer the group has for industry.
Our Grupo offers a team of highly qualified personnel and advanced technical support in order to:
- Analyse the mechanical behaviour of materials in both static and dynamic conditions
- Design and calculate structural elements
- Dynamic behaviour of structural elements: simulations and experimental analysis
- Energy absorbing structures
- Constitutive models of materials at high-speed deformation
- Fracture mechanics
- Damage mechanics
- Trials for fracture under dynamic conditions
- Thermo mechanical behaviour of materials
- Metal matrix composites
- Cellular materials
- Residual stress in structural elements
- Dynamic plastic instabilities
- Generalized continuum mechanics: non-local theories and gradient theories
- Discrete models in mechanics of solids
- Mechanic behaviour and optimization of biological structures
Extensive experience in analysis of mechanical behaviour, impact behaviour and in fracture of mechanical and structural elements
Solid command of experimental as well as numerical simulation and finite element methodologies
Competitive research projects on a national and regional (Madrid Autonomous Region) level as well as in collaboration with industry
Mechanical Characterisation Laboratory (LabMec), for appraisal in static and dynamic conditions, and temperatures of up to 1200 ºC. To this end, it has advanced equipment:
- Universal servo-hydraulic testing machines
- Dynamic traction machine (speed up to 20 m/s)
- Gas cannon for high speed impacts (900 m/s)
- 50 and 300 J instrumented Charpy pendulums
- 1000 J falling weight tower
- Hopkinson Bars for Traction, Compression and Flexion
- Climate Chambers and Ovens for tests from -150 ºC to 1200 ºC
- Ultra high speed Photography System
- Infrared camera
- Non-Destructive C-Scan Inspection System
- Laser and Resistive Extensometer
Numerical Simulation Laboratory, equipped with work stations and commercial codes that are suitable for numerical simulation of mechanical behaviour:
- Commercial codes: Abaqus, Autodyne 2D, Cosmos
- Work stations: 1 Sun Blade 1000 work station, 2 Supermicro work stations, 1 Intel Tiger work station