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The group of Econometrics is composed by researchers with different interests in the econometric modeling, in developing methods of inference for econometric models, as well as, its application in the analysis and quantification of casual relations of interest in Economics.

Research Lines

We work in the econometric modeling with all kind of data (cross section, time series, data panels and specials) for the analysis of problems related to consumption, labor economics, industrial economics, economic development, international economics and finance, among others.

We develop inference methods for micro-econometrics models with limited dependent variables, for models with fix effects using data panels, as well as, for no-parametric and semi-parametric models. 

An important aspect in our research is validation and specification of econometric models, so we have developed specification tests for models of different nature.

Contact Information

 Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

c/ Madrid, 126 - Despacho 11.2.02

28903  Getafe  (Madrid)

Phone:  91.624.5896 - 91.624.9287

Fax: 91.624.9872
