Microeconomics and Industrial Organization
- Grupos de investigación
- Economics
- Microeconomics and Industrial Organization


The research group in Microeconomics and Industrial Organization includes a panel of more than 25 experts with a broad research agenda that includes theoretical, empirical and experimental projects. The results of their research is consistently published in the most prestigious journals of the field of economics (Econometrica, Journal of Political Economy, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Review of Economic Studies, Journal of Economic Theory, Rand Journal of Economics), and related areas (political science, mathematics, biology, etc.).The group's researchers participate actively in international research organizations (CEPR, IZA), as well as in professional associations (Spanish Economic Association, European Economic Association, European Association of Research in Industrial Economics), and teach courses in all fields of Microeconomics in the undergraduate and graduate programs of the uc3m.
Group Members
- César Alongo Borrego
- Antonio Cabrales Goitia
- Marco Celentani
- Luis Corchón Díaz
- Miguel Delgado González
- Philipp Denter
- Martin Dumav
- Álvaro Escribano Sáez
- Natalia Fabra Portela
- José Luis Ferreira García
- William Fuchs
- Boris Ginzburg
- Ángel Hernando Veciana
- Belén Jérez García-Vaquero
- Antoine Loeper
- Matilde Machado
- Francisco Marhuenda Hurtado
- Álvaro Name
- Carmelo Nuñez Sanz
- Ignacio Ortuño Ortín
- Juan Pablo Rincón Zapatero
- Antonio Romero Medina
- Johannes Schneider
- Felix Wellschmied
Research Topics
The group's research includes a variety of topics such as:
- Regulation and competition policy in key industries (Electricity, Telecommunications, Transportation): market design, capacity investment, reliability, market power, vertical integration, forward markets.
- Auctions: budget constrains, endogenous entry, public and secret reserve prices.
- Competitive Markets: transaction costs, trading patterns, imperfect information.
- Social Networks: strategic models of social networks, impact and economic applications of social networks.
- Experimental Economics: auctions, forward markets, imperfect competition, capacity constrains, organized markets, experimental market design.
- Behavioral Economics: bounded rationality, learning and social evolution, altruistic preferences, cognitive biases, psychology and economics, institutional design.
- Incentives and Contracts: multilateral contracts, contract design with externalities.
- Corporate Governance: mechanisms for internal control within a firm, the role of leadership in the theory incentives in organizations.
- Environmental economics: agricultural markets and the PAC, agricultural productivity, the use of land, desertification, geo-referenced spatial models, efficiency and environmental adaptation of the firm.
- Research
- Publications and Working Papers
- Teaching
- Bachelor's Degree in Economics
- Master in Economic Analysis
- Master in Economics
- Master in Industrial Economics and Markets