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Speaker: Dr. Isabel Fernández Gómez (DRL - German Aerospace Center)

Date & time: Wednesday, 14th December 2022, 13:15 h

Venue: 4.0.E05 - Torres Quevedo building

"Improving the ionospheric state estimate via assimilation of neutral density data during geomagnetic storm conditions"

Communication and navigation instruments can be affected by the rapid changes that occur in the upper atmosphere during geomagnetic storm conditions. Physics-based models can give us a general representation of the processes that occur in the upper atmosphere during these events. However, the limitations of those models play an important role in the accuracy of the results. The assimilation of observations into physics-based models can improve the representation of the thermosphere-ionosphere system. Due to the coupled nature of this system, the ionosphere is affected by changes in the neutral atmosphere, especially during storm conditions. Therefore, improving the thermospheric estimation could improve the ionospheric representation. In the study presented here, satellite-derived neutral density observations are assimilated during the course of a geomagnetic storm. The effects on the ionosphere are evaluated on a global scale by comparing the results with independent measurements and models.