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Classes in limited groups

The classes for the internships, problems resolution, seminars, group works, expositions in class and others analogous activities have a maximun group of 40 students. This number is lower in Laboratory classes. These activities combine with theoretical teaching classes in bigger groups.

Imagen estudiantes

Each course have 3 in-person hours every week, divided in two sessions:

  • 90 minutes session (120 minutes for engineering degrees) in limited groups, with 40 students maximum, and a practical guidance.
  • 90 minutes session (120 minutes for engineering degrees) in groups with 120 students maximum and a theoretical guidance.

If you are a engineering student and you have experimental courses, you'll have 8 laboratory hours per each course along the four-month and in groups of 20 students maximum. 


Teachers must set 2 hours minimun of tutorials in group to guide and resolve students problems. Departments can organize tutorials in groups to help to the students.