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Group head:
Ángel García Crespo
Commercial datasheet:

Lines of research

  • Processing of natural language: system of dialogue, mono- and multilingual. Recovery of Information (RI), Question Answering, Adaptation in RI systems using ontologies
  • Biometrics: Security, Accessibility
  • Integration of applications
  • Technologies of data bases, Methodologies, Techniques of Modeling Data, space-time Data Bases, Control of restrictions of integrity in Data Bases, CASE platforms for development and learning, Adaptive and Intelligent teaching systems

Contact email:


  • Fiodorova, Anna
  • García Crespo, Ángel
  • Gómez de Liaño Diego, Rosa
  • Hernández Moura, Belén
  • Lecuona Neumann, Antonio
  • Matheus Chacín, Carlos Alberto
  • Pacios Álvarez, Miguel Ángel
  • Ruiz Arroyo, Adrián
Links of interest