Electronic Power Systems Group (GSEP)
- Grupos de investigación
- Engineering
- Electronic Power Systems Group (GSEP)
- Group head:
- Andrés Barrado Bautista, Emilio Olías Ruiz
- Email:
- andres.barrado@uc3m.es
- Group web:
- Electronic Power Systems Group (GSEP)
Integral consulting, analysis, tailor-made design and optimisation services of electronic power systems and magnetic components, as well as photovoltaic and hybrid energy systems
Lines of research
- Electronic Power System analysis, design and optimisation
- Magnetic Component analysis, design and optimisation
- Photovoltaic and Hybrid Energy System design and optimisation
- Electromagnetic Interference Measurement and Correction in Equipment and systems.
- Environmental radiation level evaluation
Contact email: research@uc3m.es