Elisa María Ruiz Navas
- Grupos de investigación
- Engineering
- Tecnología de Polvos
- Staff
- Elisa María Ruiz Navas
Elisa María Ruiz Navas

Dr in Mining Engineering
Associate Professor
L.A.C.T.E. Responsible
Phone: +34 91624 9936
E-mail: emruiz@ing.uc3m.es
Visitors: Escuela Politécnica Superior - Edificio Agustín de Betancourt. Office: 1.1.H10
Elisa Mª Ruiz Navas is a Dr in Mining Engineering from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.
Her main research areas are the Aluminum and Titanium alloys processed by Powder Metallurgy for automotive and biomedical applications. Despite this she is also involved in research in mechanical alloying, gTiAl intermetallics and mechanical behavior under extreme conditions.
With 65 contributions in international journals of ISI web of Knowledge, more than 50 of them in the JCR. Co-author of more than 80 contributions in International Congress published in book chapters with ISBN and participation in more than 40 Research Projects financial supported by the European Union and the Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain.
She has participated in the organization of courses seminars and national and international congress and is a regular reviewer for several journals included in JCR.