Gonzalo Génova

Correo Electrónico: ggenova@inf.uc3m.es
Cargo: Associate Professor
Área de investigación: MDA - MDE - MDD
- Innovación docente a la luz de Bolonia: trabajo en equipo y revisiones cruzadas para convertir al alumno en protagonista de su proceso de aprendizaje
- Un enfoque personalista de la ética profesional en la ingeniería informática
- Ethical education in software engineering: responsibility in the production of complex systems
- The Software Architecture Inside the Software Engineering CS Curricula
- On the Difference between Analysis and Design, and Why It Is Relevant for Model Transformations
Tesis de grado
- Workflow-Based System Design: Applying a Model-Driven Approach to Improve the Analysis and Reuse of Business Activities
- Software Process Improvement With Model Driven Engineering