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Congresos Internacionales 2004-2013


  • "Thickness dependence of organic photodetector bandwidth", B. Arredondo, B. Romero, C. de Dios, R. Vergaz, R. Criado, J.M. Sánchez Pena, CDE, Nurenberg (Alemania)
  • "Tunable dual-mode bandpass filter based on liquid crystal technology", J. Torrecilla, C. Marcos, V. Urruchi, J.M. Sánchez Pena, CDE, Valladolid (España)
  • "Liquid crystal dual-mode band-pass filter with improved performance", J. Torrecilla, C. Marcos, V. Urruchi, J.M. Sánchez Pena, O. Chojnowska, XX Conference on Liquid Crystals, Milkojaki (Polonia)
  • "Broadband 1x2 optical switch based on a liquid crystal polarization rotator with optimized spectral response", P.J. Pinzón, I. pérez, C. vázquez, J.M. Sánchez Pena, Milkojaki (Polonia)
  • "Univocal determination of twisted nematic liquid crystal cells parameters using a simple experimental approach", P.J. Pinzón, I. Pérez, C. Vázquez, J.M. Sánchez Pena, ECLC´2013), Rodas (Grecia)
  • "An Analytical Approach to the Design of Liquid Crystal Microlenses", J.F. Algorri, V. Urruchi, J.M. Sánchez Pena, 40th Topical Meeting on Liquid Crystals, Paderborn (Alemania)
  • "Assesment of Optical Aberrations of Tunable Liquid Crystal Cylindrical Microlenses", J.F. Algorri, V. Urruchi, B. Romero, J.M. Sánchez Pena, N. Bennis, CLC´13, Mikolajki (Polonia)
  • "New Temperature sensor using a liquid crystal cell with homeotropic orientation as a sensing element", C. Marcos, J.C. Torres, J.M. Sánchez Pena, I. Pérez, V. Urruchi, J.F. Algorri, N. Bennis, X. Quintana, CLC´13, Mikoalajki (Polonia)
  • "A  novel liquid crystal temperature sensor based on modal control principle", J.F. Algorri, V. Urruchi, J.M. Sánchez Pena, N. Bennis, ECLC´2013, Rodas (Grecia)
  • "Low power consumption in silicon photonics tuning filters based on compound ring resonators", C. Vázquez, P. Contreras, S. Vargas, SPIE Photonics West 2013, San Francisco (USA)
  • "Photo-thermo-elastic behaviour of a PMMA-core POF", J.L. Pérez, D.S. Montero, C. Vázquez, J. Zhar, 7th International Workshop on Dynamic Behavior of Materials and its Application in Industrial Processes, Leganés (Madrid)
  • "Diffraction grating-based demultiplexers for SI-POF Networks", P.J. Pinzón, K. Hegartty, I. Pérez, C. Vázquez,  ICPOF 2013, Brasil.
  • "One Photon and Two Photon Spectroscopy in Polymer Optical Fibres Doped with Conjugated Polymer", J. Zubia, C. Vázquez, ICPOF 2013, Brasil
  • "Fault Location in Full-Duplex Plastic Optical Fiber Links Unsing Synchronized Decay Time Detection", D.S. Montero, P. Pedreira, J. Montalvo, C. Vázquez, ICPOF 2013, Brasil
  • "Study of the Photo-Thermo-Mechanical Behavior of PMMA-CORE POFD", D.S. Montero, J.C. Torres, Pérez-CAstellanos, C. Vázquez, ICPOF 2013, Brasil
  • "Experimental Test of Polymer Optical Fiber Temperature Sensor on different surrounding media", A. Tapetado, C. Vázquez, D.S. Montero, J. Zubia, ICPOF 2013, Brasil
  • "Broadband 1x2 Liquid Crystal Optical Switch with Low Thermal dependence", P.J. Pinzón, I. ´Pérez, C. Vázauez, J.M. Sánchez Pena, ICPOF 2013, Brasil
  • "Univocal determination of twisted nematic liquid crystal cells parameters using a simple experimental approach", P.J. Pinzón, I. Pérez, C. Vázquez, J.M. Sánchez Pena, ECLC´13, Rodas (Grecia)
  • "Broadband 1x2 optical switch baseed on a liquid crystal polarization rotator with optimized spectral response", P.J. Pinzón, I. Pérez, P.C.. Lallana, C. Vázquez, J.M. Sánchez Pena, NCLC´13, Manipal (India)


  • "Simulations on Distribution of Phase Retardation through Liquid Crystal Lenses", J.F. Algorri, V. Urruchi, J.M. Sánchez Pena, J.M. Otón, ILCC´2012, Mainz (Germany)
  • "Sonification as a Social Right Implementation", P. Revuelta, B. Ruíz, J.M. Sánchez Pena, ICAD´12, Atlanta, GA (USA)
  • "A Sonification Proposal for Safe Travels of Blind People", P. Revuelta, B. Ruíz, J.M. Sánchez Pena, ICAD´12, Atlanta, GA, USA
  • "Estimating Complexity of Algorithms as a Black-Box Problem: A Normalized Time Index" (presentación virtual), P.  Revuelta, B. Ruíz, J. M. Sánchez Pena, IMCIC 2012, Orlando, Florida (USA)
  • "Performance Evaluation of a LC Based 3D Autostereoscopic Display", J.F. Algorri, V. urruchi, J.M. Sánchez Pena, J.M. Otón, Photon´12, Durham (UK)
  • "Decoupling scattering and absorption coeffcients of internal color active layers of an inorganic WO3 and NiO based electrochromic device at bleached and colored states", D. Barrios, R. Vergaz, J.M. Sánchez Pena, M. Mihelcic, B. Orel, IME-10, Holland, Michigan (USA)
  • "Temperature impairment characterization in Radio-over Multimode Fober Systems", C. Vázquez, ED.S. Montero, SPIE Photonics West 2012, San Francisco (USA)
  • "Interrogation of remote intensity-based fiber-optic sensors deploying delay lines in the virtual domain", D. Sánchez, C. Vázquez, OFS-22, Beijing (China)
  • "Temperature sensor based on fiber optic pyrometer in material removal processes", A. Tapetado, C. Vázquez, X. Soldani, H. Miguélez, D. S. Montero, OFS-22, Beijing (China)
  • "Short-range transmission capacity analysis over PF GIPOFs", D.S. Montero, C. Vázquez, J. Zubia, ICPOF 2012, Atlanta (USA)
  • "A Sonification Proposal for Safe Travels of Blind People", P. Revuelta, B. Ruíz Mezcua, J.M. Sénchez Pena, ICAD2012, Atlanta (USA)
  • "Sonification as rights Implementation", P. revuelta, B. Ruiz, J.M. Sánchez Pena, ICAD2012, Atlanta (USA)
  • "Estimating complexity of Algorithms as a Black-Box problem: A Normalized Time Index", P. Revuelta, B. Ruíz, J.M. Sánchez Pena, IMCIC2012,  Orlando (USA)
  • "A Sonification Proposal for Safe Travels of Blind People" , P. Revuelta, B. Ruíz, J.M. Sánchez Pena, ICAD 2012, ATlanta (USA)
  • "Sonification as Rights Implementation", P. Revuelta, B. Ruíz, J.M. Sánchez Pena, ICAD 2012, Atlanta (USA)
  • "Estimating Complexity of Algorithms as a Black-Box Problem: A Normalized Time Index", P. Revuelta, B. Ruíz, J.M. Sánchez Pena, IMCIC 2012. Orlando (USA)


  • "1x2 Optical Router with Control of Output Power Level using Twisted Nematic liquid Crystal Cells", P.J. Pinzón, I. Pérez, C. Vázquez, J.M. Sánchez Pena, ECLC ´11 , Maribor (Eslovenia)
  • "Electrooptic characterization of tunable cylindrical liquid crystal lenses", V. Urruchi, J.F. Algorri, J.M. Sánchez Pena, N. Bennis, X. quintana, J.M. Otón, ECLC ´11, Maribor (eslovenia)
  • "Low Impact Air to Ground Free Space Optical Communication System Design and First Results", A. Carrasco, E. Otón, M. Geday. R. Vergaz, J.M. Sánchez Pena, J.M. Otón, ICSOS´11, Santa Mónica (USA)
  • "2D Tunable Beam Steering Lens Device Based on High Birefringence Liquid Crystals", E. Otón, J. Otón, X. Quintana, M. Geday, A. Carrasco, R. Vergaz, J.M. Sánchez Pena, ICOS´11, Santa Mónica (USA)
  • "Free Space Laser Communications with UAVs", A. Carrasco, R. Vergaz, J.M. Sánchez Pena, E2DT-NATO, Madrid (España)
  • "Dependence on the Parameters of the equivalent electrical circuit model with the thickness of viologen based electrochromic mixture on glass substrate devices", D. Barrios, R. Vergaz, J.C. Torres, J.M. Sánchez Pena, A. Viñuales, M. Salsamendi, MRS 2011, San Francisco (USA)
  • "Optical Sensor to Measure the Projectile Velocity", Aerodays 2011, Madrid (España)
  • "Tunable notch filter based on liquid crystal for microwave applications", V. Urruchi, C. Marcos, J. Torrecilla, J.M. Sánchez Pena, R. Dabrowski, 9th Conference on Liquid Crystals, Miedzyzdroje (Polonia)
  • "Tablets helping elderly and disabled people", M.A. de Castro, B. ruíz, J.M. Sánchez Pena, A.G. Crespo, A. Iglesias, J.L. Pajares, AAL JP Forum Programme Committee 2011, Lecce (Italia)
  • "Stereo Vision Matching over single-channel color-based segmentation", P. Revuelta, B. ruíz, J.M. Sánchez Pena, SIGMAP, Sevilla (España)
  • "Wind Tunnel Air Velocity Sensor using Plastic Optical Fiber as Detector of vortex Shedding", C. Marcos, J.C. Torres, D. Barrios, J.M. Sánchez Pena, D.S. Montero, P. Contreras, C. Vázquez , POF 2011, Bilbao (España)
  • "Thickness-dependent coloration properties of glass substrates viologen-based electrochromic devices", D. Barrios, R. Vergaz,  J.C. Torres, C. Vega, J. M. Sánchez Pena, A. Viñuales, E-MRS 2011 Fall Meeting, Warsaw (Polonia)
  • "Lenticular Arrays based on Liquid Crystals", V. urruchi, J.F. Algorri, M.A. Geday, X. Quintana, N. Bennis, J.M. Sánchez Pena, 9th Conference on Liquid Crystals, Miedzyzdroje (Polonia)
  • "Design and Early Development of a UAV Terminal and a Ground Station for Laser Communications", A. Carrasco, R. vergaz, J.M. Sánchez Pena, SPIE, Praga (República Checa)
  • "A Review of Mobility Technologies for the Blinds", P. Revuelta, B. Ruíz, J.M. Sánchez Pena, AIRtech, La Habana (Cuba)
  • "Users and Experts Regarding Orientation and Mobility Assitive Technology for the Blinds: A Sight from the other side", P. Revuelta, B. Ruíz,  J.M. Sánchez Pena, AIRtech, La Habana (Cuba)
  • "A Review of Orientation Technologies for the Blinds", P. Revuelta, B. Ruíz, J.M. Sánchez Pena, AIRtech, La Habana (Cuba)
  • "New Radio -Frequency Techniques for Individual Drop Fibre Monitoring and Temperature Sensing in PONs", J. Montalvo, K. Yüksel, D.S. Montero, M. Wuilpart, P. Mégret, C. Vázquez, ONDM 2011, Bolonia (Italia)
  • "Temperature Sensor based on Polymer Optical Fiber macro-bends", A. Tapetado, C. Vázquez, J. Zubia, ICPOF 2011, Bilbao (España)
  • "Wireless Mesh Network applied to Polymer Optical Fiber Based Sensors", D.S. Montero, M.Chaparro, C. Vázquez, J. Zubia, ICPOF 2011, Bilbao (España)
  • "Reconfigurable Optical Demultiplexer for Polymer Optical Fiber Networks", P.J. Pinzón,  C. Vázquez, I. Pérez, J.M. Sánchez Pena, Bilbao (España)
  • "Wind Tunnel Air Velocity Sensor using Plastic Optical Fiber as detector of Vortex Shedding", C. Marcos, J.C. Torres, D. Barrios, J.M. Sánchez Pena, D.S. Montero, P.C. Lallana, C. Vázquez,  ICPOF 2011, Bilbao (España)
  • "Offset-Launch characterization of transmission loss in PF-GIPOF for wireless home networks", H. Al Hajjar, D. S. Montero, P. Contreras, B. Fracasso,  C. Vázquez, ICPOF 2011, Bilbao (España)
  • "Microstructured polymer optical fiber Bragg grating sensors for fuel quality control", D. Zografopoulus, C. Vázquez, ICPOF 2011, Bilbao (España)
  • "Maximun acceptance angle in dye doped polymer optical fibers", I. Bikandi, M.A. Illarramendi, J. Arrue, I. Ayesta, J, Zubia, C. Vázquez, ICPOF 2011, Bilbao (España)
  • "Reconfigurable Wavelength selective swith using high birefringence nematic liquid crystals", P. J. Pinzón, I. Pérez, P.C. Lallana, C. Vázquez, J.M. Sánchez Pena, CLC´11, Midzyzdroje (Polonia)
  • "Users and Experts Regarding Orientation and Mobility Assistive Technology for the Blinds: a Sight from the Other Side", P. Revuelta, B. Ruíz, J.M. Sánchez Pena, La Habana (Cuba), 2011.
  • "A Review of orientation Technologies for the Blinds", P. revuelta, B. ruíz Mezcua, J.M. Sánchez Pena, Airtech 2011, La Habana (Cuba)
  • "A Review of Mobility Technologies for the Blinds", P. Revuelta, B. Ruíz, J.M. Sánchez Pena, Airtech 2011, La Habana (Cuba)
  • "Stereo Vision Matching over Single-Channel Color-Based Segmentation", P. Revuelta, B. Ruíz, J.M. Sánchez Pena, SIGMAP 2011, Sevilla (España)
  • "ATAD: Una Ayuda Técnica para la Autonomía en el Desplazamiento. Presentación del Proyecto", P. Revuelta, B. Ruíz, J.M. Sánchez Pena, DRT4ALL 2011, Madrid (España)
  • "Users and Experts Regarding Orientation and Mobility Assistive Technology for the Blinds: a Sight from the Other Side", P. Revuelta, B. Ruíz, J.M. Sánchez Pena, AIRtech 2011, La Habana (Cuba)
  • "A Review of Orientation Technologies for the Blinds", P. Revuelta, B. Ruíz, J.M. Sánchez Pena, AIRtech 2011, La Habana (Cuba)
  • "A Review of Mobility Technologies for the Blinds", P. Revuelta, B. Ruíz, J.M. Sánchez Pena, AIRtech 2011, La Habana (Cuba)
  • "Stereo Vision Matching over Single-Channel Color-Based Segementation", P. Revuelta, B. Ruíz, J.M. Sánchez Pena, SIGMAP 2011, Sevilla (España)
  • "ATAD: Una Ayuda Técnica para la Autonomía en el Desplazamiento. Presentación del Proyecto", P. Revuelta, B. Ruíz, J.M. Sánchez Pena, DRT4ALL 2011, Madrid (España)



  • "Advanced Multifunction Optical Switch for Being Used in Polymer Optical Fiber Networks", P. C. Lallana, C. Vázquez, D. S. Montero and B. Vinouzé , LCP'2010, Elche (España)  (aceptado)
  • "Electrical modeling of tristate antiferroelectric liquid crystal devices", J.C. Torres, I. Pérez, V. Urruchi, J.M.S. Pena,  LCP'2010, Elche (España)  (aceptado)
  • "Efficient Characteristics Vector Extraction Algorithm using Auto-seeded region-Growing", P. Revuelta, J.M. Sánchez Pena, B. Ruíz, ICIS 2010, Yamagata (Japón)
  • "Proximity Detection in a Head Mounted Display Stereoscopic System", J.C: Torres, C. Marcos, R. Vergaz, J.M. Sánchez Pena, First European Congress on Visual Impairment, Valladolid (España)
  • "Electrochromic Filters In Spectacles for Low Vision Patients", J. C. Torres, R. Vergaz, C.  Marcos, D. Barrios, V. Urruchi, J.M. Sánchez Pena, C. Pozo, R. Coco, B. Coco, R. Cuadrado, First European Congress on Visual Impairment, Valladolid (España)
  • "Tandem Polymer Dispersed Liquid crystal Electrochromic Device", D. Barrios, R. Vergaz, J.C. Torres, J.M. Sánchez Pena,C. Pozo, A. Viñuales, 9th International Meeting of Electrochromism, Bourdeaux (Francia)
  • "Bio Sensing in Microstructured Polymer optical Fibres", G. Durana, M.C.J. Large, J. Zubia, M.A. Illarramendi, C. Vázquez, ICPOF 2010, Yokohama (Japón)
  • "Polymer Optical Fibre Sensor for Liquid Detection Applied to Volumetric Flasks". D.S. Montero, C. Vázquez, P.C. lallana, J. Zubia, ICPOF 2010, Yokohama (Japón)
  • "Study of Emission Properties in Cladded and Uncladded Doped Plastic Optical Fibers", I. Bikandi, M.A. Illarramendi, J. Zubia, G. Aldabaldetreku, L. Bazzana, C. Vázquez,  ICPOF 2010, Yokohama (Japón)
  • "Efficient Characteristics Vector Extraction Algorithm using Auto-seeded Region-Growing", P. Revuelta, B. Ruíz, J.M. Sánchez Pena, ICIS 2010, Kaminoyama (Japón)
  • "Efficient Characteristics vector Extraction Algorithm using Auto-seeded region-Growing", P. Revuelta, B. Ruíz, J.M. Sánchez Pena, ICIS 2010, Kaminoyama (Japón)


  • “Radio-Frequency Self-referencing Monitoring Techniques for Access Passive Optical Networks”, J Montalvo, D S Montero, C Vázquez, J M Baptista, J L Santos (por invitación), SEON2009, Lisboa (Portugal)
  • Development of Electrochromic Filters for Visual Rehabilitation”,  J.C. Torres, C. Marcos, R. Vergaz, José M. Sánchez-Pena, R. Coco, R. Cuadrado, B. Coco, C. Coco, I. Fernández  , Reducing Disparities in Eye Disease and Treatment, ARVO 2009 , Florida (USA)
  • “Experimental analysis of temperature dependence in multimode optical fiber links for Radio-over-Fiber applications”, D.S. Montero, I. Gasulla, I. Möllers, D. Jäger, J. Capmany and C. Vázquez , 11th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks ICTON 2009, Azores (Portugal) 
  • “Plastic optical fiber sensor for fuel level measurements applied to paramotoring and powered paragliding”, D. S. Montero, C. Vázquez, J. Zubia, 18 th Internacional Conference on Plastic Optical Fibers ICPOF´09 , Sydney (Australia) 
  • "Self-referencing model for electro-optical WDM fiber-optic intensity based sensor network ", David Sánchez Montero, Carmen Vázquez, J. L. Santos, Jose Manuel Baptistam, OFS´09 Optical Fibre Sensors Conference OFS-20, Edimburgo (Reino Unido)



  •  “Coloration, Voltage and Charge Density Relation of Viologents based Electrochromic Devices”,  David Barrios, Ricardo Vergaz, J.M.S. Pena, Cristina Pozo, CIE Expert Symposium on Advances in Photometry and Colorimetry,  Turin (Italia)
  • “Chromatic Characterization of a RGB-LED Backlight System for an Antiferroelectric LCD”,  D. Barrios, A.F.P. Román, R. Vergaz, J.I. Santos, J.M.S. Pena, CIE Expert Symposium on Advances in Photometry and Colorimetry, Turin (Italia)
  • “Relating Cyclic Voltammetry and Impedance Analysis in a Viologen Electrochromic Device”, David Barrios, Ricardo Vergaz, J.M.S. Pena, Cristina Pozo, IME’08, Seul (Corea del Sur)
  •  “Birefringence Studies of Nematic Liquid Crystal Devices by Interferometry and Generation of Color” , V. Urruchi, I. Pérez, N. Gaona, J.M.S. Pena , LCP’08, Cambridge (Reino Unido)
  •  “Online Captioning System for Educational Resources Accessibility of Hard-of-Hearing people”, Javier Jiménez, Pablo Revuelta, Belén Ruiz y J.M.S. Pena, 11th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs (ICCHP’08),  Linz ( Austria)
  • “Multidevice System for Educational Accessibility of Hearing-impaired Students” , Pablo Revuelta, Javier Jiménez, J.M.S. Pena y Belén Ruiz, International Conference on Computers and Advanced Technology in Education IASTED, Creta (Grecia)
  • “Self-referencing techniques in photonics sensors and multiplexing”
    Carmen Vázquez,  OPORTO 2008,   Oporto (Portugal)
  • “Er-doped fiber applications on filters and dispersion compensation using compound ring resonators” J. Montalvo, C. Vázquez , COST 299, 4nd technical meeting,  Berlín (Alemania)
  • “FBG-Based Self-Referencing Configuration With Increased Sensitivity” 
    J. Montalvo, C. Vázquez ,  COST 299, 4nd Technical Meeting,  Berlín (Alemania)
  • “Electronically Reconfigurable Delays at the Reception Stage”  J. Montalvo, C. Vázquez ,  COST 299, 4nd Technical Meeting,   Berlín (Alemania)
  • Power-Cost-Effective Node Architecture for Light-Tree Routing in WDM Networks” , G. Fernández, D. Larrabeiti, Carmen Vázquez, P. Contreras , IEEE Globecom 2008 Optical Networks and Systems Symposium (GC'08 ONS), USA
  • “Installation and Performance of a Polymer Optical Fiber-Based Elongation Sensor”,  Gaizka Durana, Marlene Kirchhof, Michael Luber, Idurre Sáez de Ocáriz, Hans Poisel, Joseba Zubia, Gotzon Aldabaldetreku, and Carmen Vázquez , 17 th Internacional Conference on Plastic Optical Fibers ICPOF´08 , USA
  • “Multiplexer and Variable Optical Attenuator based on PDLC for Polymer Optical Fiber networks” ,  P. C. Lallana, Carmen Vázquez, B. Vinouze, K. Hegartty, David Sánchez Montero, International Workshop On Liquid Crystals For Photonics, LCP08 , Cambridge (UK)
  • "Fiber-optic Level Sensor", C. Vázquez, D.S. montero, HOMSEC2008: Jornada de Transferencia de Tecnología en Seguridad, Madrid (España)
  • "Self-Reference intensity sensors techniques and advance devices in WDM networks", C. Vázquez, P.C: Lallana, D.S. Montero, J.Montalvo, SEON 2008, Oporto (Portugal)


  • “Subtitle glasses for Hearing Impaired People” ,  Grupo de Displays y Aplicaciones Fotónicas/CESyA , 15th WORLD CONGRESS OF THE WORLD FEDERATION OF THE DEAF ,  Madrid (España)
  • “Optical retardation measurement of smectic liquid crystal devices based on interferometry” ,  J.C. Torres, J.M. Sánchez-Pena, CLC’07 , Polonia
  • “A Comparative Electrical Study of Series and Parallel Tunable Resonators Based on a Nematic Liquid Crystal Cell as Variable Capacitance”  J.C. Torres, C.Marcos, J.M. S. Pena, I. Pérez, R. Manzanares , ECLC’07,   Lisboa (Portugal)
  • “Evaluation of the Phase Modulation during V-Shaped Switching in a Smectic Liquid Crystal Device” V. Urruchi, N. Gaona, J.M. Sánchez-Pena , ECLC’07
    Lisboa (Portugal)
  • “Performance of Optical Link between an Aerostatic Platform and Optical Ground Segment” , Maseda-Hernández, R.H.; López-Diaz, J.; Vergaz, R.; Sánchez-Pena, J.M.; Munuera,    The 4th ESA International Workshop on Tracking, Telemetry and Command Systems for Space Applications (TTC 2007),   Darmstadt (Alemania)
  • “Microcontrolled Vision System Based on a See-Through Liquid Crystal Microdisplay for Closed Captioning"  Grupo de Displays y Aplicaciones Fotónicas-CESyA , 3rd EUROPEAN RESEARCH AND INNOVATION EXHIBITION, Paris(Francia)
  • “A Tuneable Feedback Resonator based on a Nematic Liquid Crystal as a Variable Capacitance” , Carlos Marcos, Juan Carlos Torres Zafra, Jose Manuel Sanchez, Isabel A. Perez, Carmen Vázquez García , PHOTONIC DEVICES + APPLICATIONS(SPIE). SESION ORGANIC PHOTONICS AND ELECTRONICS: LIQUID CRYSTALS.   San Diego (Estados Unidos)
  • “Determination of Hole Mobilities in New Blue Emitting Organic Diodes by Means of Impedance Spectroscopy”  B. Arredondo, B. Romero, A. L. Alvarez, A. Gutiérrez-Llorente, X. Quintana, R. Mallavia, R. Vergaz, F. Montilla, J. M. Sánchez-Pena, J. M Otón , SID’07,  Los Angeles (USA )
  • “Temperature Dependence of Liquid Crystals Electrical Response by Impedance Analysis” ,  J.C. Torres, N. Gaona, I. Pérez, V. Urruchi, J.M.S Pena , MICROTECHNOLOGIES FOR THE NEW MILLENNIUM 2007 SYMPOSIUM: PHOTONIC MATERIALS, DEVICES, AND APPLICATIONS (SPIE) Gran Canaria (España)
  • “Switches and Tunable Filters based on Ring Resonators and Liquid Crystals” 
    Carmen Vázquez, Pedro C. Lallana, Julio Montalvo, José Manuel Sánchez Pena, Antonio d´Alessandro, Domenico Donisi , MICROTECHNOLOGIES FOR THE NEW MILLENNIUM 2007 SYMPOSIUM: PHOTONIC MATERIALS, DEVICES, AND APPLICATIONS (SPIE), Gran Canaria (España)
  • “Enhanced Instrumentation System to Characterize the Electric Behavior of AFLC Displays”  J.M.S. Pena, J.I. Santos, J.C. Torres, N. Gaona, C. Vázquez, D. Quesada
  • “Ring resonator with an internal Sagnac loop for dispersion compensation in DWDM backbone networks” ,  Julio Montalvo, Carmen Vázquez 
  • “Dual 3x1 multiplexer for POF networks ", Lallana, Vàzquez, Montero, Heggarty, Vinouze ,  17 th INTERNACIONAL CONFERENCE ON PLASTIC OPTICAL FIBERS ICPOF´07 , Turín (Italia)
  • “Plastic fiber-optic probes for characterizing fluidized beds in bubbling regime”, C. Vàzquez, J.L. Nombela, M. de Vega, C. Sobrino, J. Zubia, D. S. Montero 
    Turín (Italia)
  • “Plug and Play Connector for Automotive POF Networks” ,Lallana, Vàzquez 
    Brest  (France)
  • “Compound Optical Filters based on Ring Resonators and Sagnac Loops for Dispersion Management in DWDM Networks” , J. Montalvo, C. Vàzquez 
    Brest (France)
  •  "Ring Resonators with Sagnac Loops for PhotonicProcessing in DWDM Backbone Networks",   J. Montalvo, Carmen Vázquez, P. C. Lallana , IEEE WISP2007 , Madrid (Spain)
  •  "Tunable, grating-assisted single-ring laser mirrors" ,Carmen Vázquez, Otto Schwelb , IMOC2007 (International Microwave and Optoelectronics Conference) 
    Salvador (Brasil)
  • “Narrow-band, Bragg-grating-assisted Microring Reflectors: Tunability, Reflection Loss and Group Delay” ,  Carmen Vázquez, Otto Schwelb  ISMOT2007 (11th International Symposium on Microwave and Optical Technology) ,   Italy
  •  “Self-referencing techniques in photonics sensors and multiplexing” , Carmen Vázquez, Julio Montalvo, Pedro C. Lallana, D. S. Montero INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON MICROTECHNOLOGIES FOR THE NEW MILLENNIUM 2007. PHOTONICS AND OPTOELECTRONICS, Gran Canarias (España)
  • "Monitoring an Educational Innovative Experience in Electronics ", C. Vazquez, C. López-Ongil, R. Vergaz, C.M. Sanz, J. Montalvo, P. Zumel, D.S. Montero,   ICIE'07 (3rd International Conference on Interdisciplinarity in Education) ,   Atenas (Grecia) .
  • "Analysis of the parameters of tapers in graded-index POF for the design of a refractive-index sensor and other applications", J. Arrue, F. Jiménez, G. Aldabaldetreku, G. Durana, J. Zubia, M. Lomer, C, Vázquez, ICPOF´07, Turín (Italia)


  • “Electro-optical Analysis of PEDOT Symmetrical Electrochromic Devices” 
    Ricardo Vergaz, David Barrios, J.M.S. Pena, Cristina Pozo-Gonzalo, Jose A. Pomposo, Maitane Salsamendi,   IME-7 CONFERENCE, Estambul (Turquía)
  • “Reconfigurable Optical Multiplexer Based on Liquid Crystal for Polymer Optical Fiber” , P. C. Lallana, C. Vázquez, J. M. S. Pena and D. Sánchez,                                LIQUID CRYSTALS FOR PHOTONICS ,  Gante (Bélgica)
  • "Induced Phase Delay and State of Polarization in V shape Smectic Liquid Crystals”  V. Urruchi, N. Gaona, J.M. Sánchez Pena, B. Bellini, J.M. Otón, M.A. Geday
  • “Optoelectronic Digital Multiplexer based on Liquid Crystal for Optical Information Systems”  I. Pérez, J.M.S. Pena, J.C. Torres, C. Vázquez, R. Manzanares             LIQUID CRYSTALS FOR PHOTONICS,  Gante (Bélgica)
  • “Temporal Electrical Behavior of V/W-shaped Chiral Smectic Liquid Crystal Displays” ,   J.M.S. Pena, I. Pérez, V. Urruchi, J.C. Torres and J.M. Otón              LIQUID CRYSTALS FOR PHOTONICS ,  Gante (Bélgica)
  • El centro Español de Subtitulado y Audiodescripción: Estrategias para Fomentar la Accesibilidad a los Medios Audiovisuales en España”  N. Enjuto, B. Ruiz, J. M. Sánchez Pena, F. Utray, C. Utrera , IBERDISCAP 2006.  Vitoria (Brasil)
  •  “Self-Referencing Technique in Reflection Mode for Fibre-Optic Intensity Sensors Using Ring Resonators” Carmen Vázquez, Julio Montalvo, David Sánchez Montero, , P. C. Lallana , OPTICAL FIBRE SENSORS CONFERENCE OFS-18   Cancún (México)
  • "Self-referencing sensors and multiplexing techniques" ,  C. Vázquez  
    COST 299, 2nd TECHNICAL MEETING,  Niza (Francia)
  • "Electronics I: a first approach in European Higher Education Area "C. Vazquez, C. López, R. Vergaz, C.M. Sanz, J. Montalvo, P. Zumel,    ICIE 2006 ,   Atenas (Grecia)


  • “Variable Optical Attenuator for Perfluorinated Gradual Index Polymer Optical Fiber using a Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystal Cell”  M. A. Jurado Pontes, Carmen Vázquez, J. M. Sánchez Pena, David Sánchez Montero, P. C.Lallana                                 SPIE INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON OPTICS AND OPTOELECTRONICS
     Varsovia ( Polonia )
  • Applications of Recirculating Optical Configurations on Filters and Lasers”          C. Vázquez, J. Montalvo, P. Contreras, J. M. Sánchez , MICROTECHNOLOGIES FOR THE NEW MILLENNIUM 2005 SYMPOSIUM: PHOTONICS AND OPTOELECTRONICS (SPIE) ,  Sevilla (España)
  • “Liquid Crystal Materials with Asymmetric Switching for Microdisplay Applications”  V. Urruchi, I. Pérez, J. M. Sánchez Pena, J. C. Torres, R. Manzanares, X. Quintana, J.M. Otón,   MICROTECHNOLOGIES FOR THE NEW MILLENNIUM 2005 SYMPOSIUM: PHOTONICS AND OPTOELECTRONICS (SPIE),  Sevilla (España)  
  • “Development of a 2x2 Optical Switch for Plastic Optical Fiber using Liquid Crystal Cells” C. Vázquez, J. M. Sanchez-Pena, P. C. Lallana, M. A. Pontes , MICROTECHNOLOGIES FOR THE NEW MILLENNIUM 2005 SYMPOSIUM: PHOTONICS AND OPTOELECTRONICS (SPIE) Sevilla (España)
  • “Row and Column Drivers for Addressing Full Color and Video Rate Antiferroelectric Liquid Crystal Microdisplays” J.M.S. Pena, J.I. Santos, R. Manzanares, V. Urruchi, I. Pérez, J. C. Torres,   MICROTECHNOLOGIES FOR THE NEW MILLENNIUM 2005 SYMPOSIUM: PHOTONICS AND OPTOELECTRONICS (SPIE) Sevilla (España)
  • “Variable Optical Attenuator based on Organic Electrochromic Materials”
    R. Vergaz, J.M.S. Pena, D. Barrios, C. Vázquez, C. Pozo, D. Mecerreyes, J. Pomposo
  • “Electrical Response of Antiferroelectric Liquid Crystals Cells with Asymmetric Response”  V. Urruchi, I. Pérez, J.M.S. Pena J.C. Torres, P. López, X. Quintana, J.M. Otón , ECLC’05 ,  Sesto (Italia)
  • "Self-Referencing Fibre-Optic Intensity Strain Sensors” J. Montalvo, P.C. Lallana, C. Vázquez   OFS´05: OPTICAL FIBRE SENSORS CONFERENCE OFS-17            Brujas (Bélgica)
  •  “Development Self-referencing intensity-encoded fibre-optic sensors using radio frequency ring-resonators” J. Montalvo, C. Vázquez  SPIE’s INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON MICROTECHNOLOGIES FOR THE NEW MILLENNIUM 2005. PHOTONICS AND OPTOELECTRONICS ,  Sevilla (España)


  • “Electrical Modelling and Optimization of Chiral Smectic Liquid Crystal Displays” 
    J.C. Torres, M.A. Jurado, I. Pérez, V. Urruchi, C. Vázquez, J.M.S. Pena,                           VII INFODISPLAYL,  Santa Catarina (Brasil)
  • "Displays and Photonic Application Group Research on Electrooptical Displays”
    J.M.S. Pena, C. Vázquez, I. Pérez, V. Urruchi, R. Vergaz, J.C. Torres, M.A. Jurado,       J.I. Santos, R. Manzanares  , VII INFODISPLAY   Santa Catarina (Brasil)
  • AC Impedance Spectroscopy Analysis of New All-plastic Electrochromic Devices” R. Vergaz, J.M.S. Pena, D. Barrios, C. Vázquez, D.Mecerreyes                         6th INTERNATIONAL MEETING ON ELECTROCHROMISM (I.M.E. - 6) 
    Brno (República Checa)
  • “Spectral and Time Responses of New All-plastic Electrochromic Devices” 
    R. Vergaz, J.M.S. Pena, D. Barrios, C. Vázquez, D. Mecerreyes  6th INTERNATIONAL MEETING ON ELECTROCHROMISM (I.M.E. - 6)  Brno (República Checa)
  • “Time Division Multiplexing Fiber-Optic Liquid Level Sensors using a Nematic 1x2 Optical Switch”  C. Vázquez, S. Vargas, J. I. Santos, J. M. S. Pena, J. Montalvo      13th INTERNATIONAL PLASTIC OPTICAL FIBRES CONFERENCE (POF’04)  Nuremberg  (Alemania)
  • “Simultaneous Measurement of Switching Currents and Hysteresis of AFLC Displays” ,  W. K. Bajdecki, J.M. Otón, J.I. Santos, R. Vergaz, V. Urruchi, J.M.S. Pena 
  • “A Plastic Fiber-Optic Liquid Level Sensor” ,  S. Vargas, C. Vázquez, J.M.S. Pena
    Santander (España)
  • "Displays and Photonics Applications Group Activities "., C. Vázquez
  • "KCICLO correction method for the observed fictitious diurnal cycle of the
    aerosol optical depth "
    V.E. Cachorro, C. Toledano, A.M. de Frutos, S. Mogo, A. Berjón, M. Sorribas, J.M. Vilaplana, R. Vergaz, B. de la Morena, EUROPEAN AEROSOL CONFERENCE 2004 , Budapest (Hungría).