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Seminario Permanente: Multimodal spaces and interactive technologies for collaborative learning



Aula: 1.2.G04 (Leganés)
4 de febrero, de 13hs a 14hs


Prof Andri Ioannou. Assistant professor in the Department of Multimedia and Graphic Arts at the Cyprus University of Technology


The abundance of and easy proximity to digital technologies, from smart phones to a variety of multi-touch surfaces, have inevitably impacted education offering new perspectives and approaches to communication, interaction and learning. In this presentation, I will elaborate on my recent research evolving around the supportive and mediating role of technology in promoting collaborative learning in different circumstances and contexts. Firstly, I will present a study of enacting problem-based learning in a multimodal information space, making creative use of a variety of affordable, everyday technologies such as projectors, mobile devices, smart phones and Facebook groups. The study examined learners’ experiences, technology adoption and use, and the ways in which technology supported specific problem-based learning processes. Secondly, I will present a study on the use of multi-touch, interactive tabletops for the promotion of dialogue in pursuing peace. This investigation perceives tabletops as “peace-enforcing” and pertinent to bringing people together to resolve conflict. I will conclude the presentation with the implications of my work for further research and practice in the area of technology-enhanced learning including new research directions.


Andri Ioannou is an assistant professor in the Department of Multimedia and Graphic Arts at the Cyprus University of Technology. She received her PhD and MA in Educational Technology from the University of Connecticut (USA) and BSc in Computer Science from the University of Cyprus. Her research interests include the design, development, and evaluation of computer-supported collaborative learning environments, use of innovative technologies to support collaboration and learning in distant and co-located settings, us


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