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Programme and Papers


Programme Conference [updated May 10th]


Latin American Tariff Policy from Belle Époque to Great Depression 
Chair - Antonio Tena

Graciela Márquez Colín 
- From fiscal revenue to industrial promotion: tariffs in Mexico, 1870-1916

Sandra Kuntz Ficker 
- Mexico’s Tariff Policy in the 1920s: Was it fiscal or protectionist? [updated April 28th]

José Alejandro Peres Cajias 
- Average tariff in Latin America poor countries: the Bolivian case (1900-1951) [updated May 10th]

The Great Depression and After 
Chair - Solomos Solomou

Karl Stern 
- Implementation of Non-Tariff Trade Measures in the Republic of Estonia in the 1930s [updated May 10th]

Leandro Prados de la Escosura, Joan R. Rosés and Isabel Sanz Villarroya 
- Stabilization and Growth under Dictatorship: The experience of Franco’s Spain

Douglas A. Irwin (co-author Barry Eichengreen)
- The Slide to Protectionism in the Great Depression: Who Succumbed and Why?  


19th Century Europe and Its Fringes: Open or Closed? 
Chair – Douglas Irwin

Antonio Tena and Felipe Tâmega Fernandes 
- How much trade liberalization was there in the world before and after Cobden-Chevalier?

Marcela Sabaté, Carmen Fillat and Ana Belén Gracia 
- The protectionist backlash in the First Globalization. The trade-off between tariffs, exchange rates and transport costs in Spain (1870-1913)

Zafer Toprak 
- Capitalism, Dependency and Free Trade in the Late Ottoman Empire


Impact: Labor Markets, Industrialization and Growth 
Chair – Jeffrey Williamson

Concha Betrán and Mª Ángeles Pons 
- Labour Market Response to Globalisation: Spain, 1880-1913  [updated April 7th]

Moritz Schularick and Solomos Solomou 
- Trade and Economic Growth: Historical Evidence

Markus Lampe and Paul R. Sharp 
- Heterogeneity in the tariff-growth experience?  

Pablo Astorga 
- Measuring openness and explaining economic growth in Latin America during the XXth century


The Political Economy of Tariffs 
Chair – Giovanni Federico

Jeffrey Williamson (co-author: Michael A. Clemens) 
- Open Dragon, Closed Jaguar: Endogenous Tariffs in Asia and Latin America 1870-1940

John K. Wilson (co-author: Martin Shanahan) 
- Tariff Protection Colonial Victoria: Evidence of Lobbying?  

Lucia Coppolaro 
- The political economy of tariff reduction in Western Europe (1947-1967): between multilateralism and regionalism