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1. L. L. Bonilla, A. Klar, and S. Martin
“Higher order averaging of Fokker-Planck equations for nonlinear fiber lay-down processes”
SIAM J. Appl. Math. 74, 366-391
2. S. Prabhakar, R. Melnik, and L. L. Bonilla
“Gate control of Berry phase in III-V semiconductor quantum dots”
Phys. Review B 89, 245310
3. M. Ruiz-García and A. Prados
“Kovacs effect in the one-dimensional Ising model: A linear response analysis”
Phys. Review E 89, 012140
4. M. D. Camejo, D. R. Espeso, and L. L. Bonilla “I
"Influence of primary particle density in the morphology of agglomerates”
Phys. Review E 90, 012306
5. M. Álvaro, M. Carretero, and L. L. Bonilla
“Noise enhanced spontaneous chaos in semiconductor superlattices at room temperature”
EPL-Europhysics Letters 107, 28002 (seleccionado como editor’s choice)
6. L. L. Bonilla, A. Carpio, and A. Prados
“Protein unfolding and refolding as transitions through virtual states”
EPL-Europhysics Letters 108, 28002
7. L. L. Bonilla, M. Álvaro, M. Carretero, and E. Ya. Sherman
“Dynamics of optically injected currents in carbon nanotubes”
Phys. Review B 90, 165441
8. S. Prabhakar, R. Melnik, L. L. Bonilla, and S. Badu
“Thermoelectromechanical effects in relaxed-shape graphene and band structures of graphene quantum dots”
Phys. Rev. B 90, 205418; doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.90.205418; arXiv:1401.4608
9. S. Simonenko, V. Bayona, and M. Kindelan
“Optimal Shape Parameter for the solution of Elastostatic Problems with the RBF Method”
J. Engin. Math. 85, 115-129
10. F. Terragni and J. M. Vega
“Construction of Bifurcation Diagrams Using POD on the Fly”
SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst. 13, 339-365
11. F. Terragni and J. M. Vega
“Efficient computation of bifurcation diagrams via adaptive ROMs”
Fluid Dyn. Res. 46, 041412
12. C. Barceló, R. Carballo-Rubio, L. J. Garay, and G. Jannes
“Electromagnetism as an emergent phenomenon: a step-by-step guide”
New J. Phys. (in press)
13. C. Barceló, R. Carballo-Rubio, L. J. Garay, and G. Jannes
“The lifetime problem of evaporating black holes: Mutiny or resignation”
Class. Quant. Grav. (in press)
14. C. García Meca, C. Barceló, S. Carloni, G. Jannes, J. Sánchez Dehesa, and A. Martínez,
“Transformational acoustic metamaterials based on pressure gradients”
Phys. Review B 90, 024310
15. C. García Meca, C. Barceló, S. Carloni, G. Jannes, J. Sánchez Dehesa, and A. Martínez,
“Analogue transformation acoustics and the compression of spacetime”
Photon. Nanostruct. Fundam. Appl. 12, 312
16. C. García Meca, C. Barceló, S. Carloni, G. Jannes, J. Sánchez Dehesa, and A. Martínez,
“Spacetime transformation acoustics”
Wave Motion 51, 785

1. R.M. de la Cruz and C. Kanyinda-Malu
“Dielectric response of II-VI semiconductor core-shell ensembles: study of the lossless optical condition”
Physica E 63, 229-234
2. J. Iñarrea
“Interaction between two-dimensional quantum oscillators and time-dependent forces: case of a harmonic force”
Physica B 436, 10-13
3. J. Iñarrea
“Theoretical model for negative giant magnetoresistance in ultrahigh-mobility 2D electron systems”
EPL-Europhysics Letters 106, 47005
4. J. Iñarrea
“Radiation-induced re-emission in a 2D electron system”
EPL-Europhysics Letters 108, 28008
5. C. López-Monís, J. Iñarrea, and G. Platero
“Corrigendum: Dynamical nuclear spin polarization induced by electronic current through double quantum dots” (2012 New J. Phys. 13 053010)
New J. Phys. 16, 109502

1. P. A. García-Salaberri, M. Vera, and I. Iglesias
"Modeling of the anode of a liquid-feed DMFC: inhomogeneous compression effects and two-phase transport phenomena"
J. Power Sourc. 246, 239-252 (e-journal)
2. A. E. Quintero, M. Vera, and B. Rivero-de-Aguilar
"Wall conduction effects in laminar counterflow parallel-plate heat exchangers"
Int. J. Heat Mass Trans. 70, 939-953
3. J. M. Gordillo, A. Sevilla, and F. Campo-Cortés
“Global stability of sttretched micron-sized jets: conditions for the generation of monodisperse emulsions using colloids”
J. Fluid Mech. 738, 335-357
4. J. I. Jiménez-González, A. Sevilla, E. Sanmiguel-Rojas, and C. Martínez-Bazán
“Global stability of the axisymmetric wake past a spinning bullet-shaped body”
J. Fluid Mech. 748, 302-327
5. C. Gutiérrez-Montes, R. Bolaños-Jiménez, A. Sevilla, and C. Martínez-Bazán
“Bubble formation in a planar wáter-air-water jet: effects of the nozzle geometry and injection conditions”
Int. J. Mult. Flow 65, 38-50
6. A. L. Sánchez, E. Fernández-Tarrazo, and F. A. Williams
“The chemistry involved in the third explosion limit of H_2 O_2 mixtures”
Combust. Flame 161, 111-117
7. A. L. Sánchez and F. A. Williams
“Recent advances in understanding of flammability characteristics of hydrogen”
Prog. Energy Combust. Sci. 41, 1-55
8. C. Huete, A. L. Sánchez, and F. A. Williams
“Linear theory for the interaction of small-scale turbulence with overdriven detonations”
Phys. Fluids 26, 116101
9. A. L. Sánchez, J. Urzay, and A. Liñán
“The role of separation of scales in the description of spray combustion”
Proc. Combust. Inst. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.proci.2014.08.018
8. M. Sánchez-Sanz, D Fernández-Galisteo, and VN Kurdyumov,
"Effect of the equivalence ratio, Damköhler number, Lewis number and heat release on the stability of laminar premixed flames in microchannels"
Combust. Flame 161, 1282-1293
9. D. Fernández-Galisteo, C. Jiménez, V. N. Kurdyumov, and M. Sánchez-Sanz
"The differential diffusion effect of the intermediate species on the stability of premixed flames propagating in microchannels"
Comb. Theory Model. (in press)
10. M. Sánchez-Sanz, D. Murphy, and C. Fernández-Pello
"Effect of an external electric field on the propagation velocity of a premixed flame"
Proc. Combust. Inst. (in press)
11. J. Rodríguez-Rodríguez, A. Casado-Chacón, and D. Fuster
“Physics of beer tapping”
Phys. Rev. Letters (to appear)

1. M. García-Villalba, G. Palau-Salvador, and W. Rodi
“Forced convection heat transfer from a finite-height cylinder”
Flow Turbul. Combust. 93, 171-187
2. W. Brevis, M.García-Villalba, and Y. Niño
“Experimental and large eddy simulation study of the flow developed by a sequence of lateral obstacles”
Environ. Fluid Mech. 14, 873-893

1. A. Carpio and M. L. Rapun
“Parameter identification in photothermal imaging”
J. Math. Imaging and Vision 49, 273-288
2. F. Gallego-Marcos , G. Platero, C. Nietner, G. Schaller, and T. Brandes
“Nonequilibrium relaxation transport of ultracold atoms”
Phys. Rev, A 90, 033614

1. A. Gomez-Garcia, J. Sanchez-Prieto, A. Soria-Verdugo, and D. Santana
“Moving bed syngas conditioning: Modelling”
Appl. Thermal Eng. 62, 809-822
2. J. Gómez-Hernández, J. Sanchez-Prieto, J. V. Briongos, and D. Santana
“Wide band energy analysis of fluidized bed pressure fluctuation signals using a frequency division method”
Chem. Eng. Sci. 105, 92-103
3. M. R. Rodríguez-Sánchez, A. Soria-Verdugo, J. A. Almendros-Ibáñez, A. Acosta-Iborra, and D. Santana
“Thermal design guidelines of solar power towers”
Appl. Therm. Eng. 63, 428-438
4. F. Hernández-Jiménez, T. Li, E. Cano-Pleite, W. Rogers, and A. Acosta-Iborra
“Characterisation of the particle-wall frictional forces in pseudo-2D fluidized beds using DEM”
Chem. Eng. Sci. 116, 136-143
5. E. Cano-Pleite, F. Hernández-Jiménez,, M. De Vega, and A. Acosta-Iborra
“Experimental study on the motion of isolated bubbles in a vertically vibrated fluidized bed”
Chem. Eng. J. 255, 114-125
6. C. Sobrino, A. Acosta-Iborra, M. A. Izquierdo-Barrientos, and M. De Vega,
“Three-dimensional two-fluid modeling of a cylindrical fluidized bed and validation of the Maximum Entropy method to determine bubble properties”
Chem. Eng. J. 262, 628-639
7. J. Sánchez-Prieto, A. Soria-Verdugo, J. V. Briongos, and D. Santana
“The effect of temperature on the distributor design in bubbling fluidized beds”
Powder Techn. 261, 176-184
8. M.R. Rodríguez-Sánchez, A. Sánchez-González, C. Marugán-Cruz, and D. Santana
“Saving assessment using the PERS in solar power towers”
Energy Conv. and Mgmt. 87, 810-819
9. M.R. Rodríguez-Sánchez, C. Marugán-Cruz, A. Acosta-Iborra, and D. Santana
“Comparison of Simplified Heat Transfer Models and CFD Simulations for Molten Salt External Receiver”
Appl. Therm. Eng. 73 , 991-1003
10. L. Cutz and D. Santana
“Techno-economic analysis of integrating sweet sorghum into sugar mills: The Central American case”
Biomass and Bioenergy 68, 195-214
11. M. C. Heredia-Molinero, J. Sánchez-Prieto, J.V. Briongos, and M. C. Palancar
“Feedback PID-like fuzzy controller for pH regulatory control near the equivalence point”
J. Process Control 24, 1023-1037
12. L. M. García-Gutiérrez, A. Soria-Verdugo, C. Marugán-Cruz, and U. Ruiz-Rivas
“Simulation and experimental study on the motion of non-reacting objects in the freeboard of a fluidized bed”
Powder Techn. 263, 112-120
13. A. Soria-Verdugo, L. M. García-Gutiérrez, L. Blanco-Cano, N. García-Gutiérrez, and U. Ruiz-Rivas
“Evaluating the accuracy of the Distributed Activation Energy Model for biomass devolatilization curves obtained at high heating rates“
Energy Conv. and Mgmt. 86, 1045-1049
14. C. Marugán-Cruz, S. Sánchez-Delgado, M. R. Rodríguez-Sánchez, and M. Venegas
“District cooling using central tower power plants”
Energy Procedia 49C, 1791-1800
15. A. M. Hdez-Jasso, M. R. Contreras-Valenzuela, A. Rodríguez-Martínez, R. J. Romero, and M. Venegas
“Experimental heat transformer monitoring based on linear modelling and statistical control process”
Appl. Therm. Eng., DOI: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2014.09.013.
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