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UC3M holds the 8th Leganés Tecnológico Business Meeting


The Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) brought together innovative companies, startups and other R&D+i ecosystem players at its Science Park and at Leganés Tecnológico for the 8th Business Meeting. The aim of this event, which is held annually, was to strengthen collaboration between companies, research staff and agents involved in entrepreneurship, as well as to show the University's current and potential innovation.

La UC3M celebra el 8º Encuentro Empresarial Leganés Tecnológico

The event began with a welcome ceremony by the UC3M Rector, Ángel Arias; the Mayor of Leganés, Miguel Ángel Recuenco; the Deputy Minister of Digitalisation of the Community of Madrid, Silvia Roldán; and the President of the Leganés Tecnológico Business Association, Rogelio de la Fuente.

The meeting began with a round table in which one of the ten R&D&I Challenges entitled "The 'Great Resignation' and talent management" was presented. Several UC3M researchers from the fields of social sciences, law and engineering, as well as representatives from the industrial sector, participated. The round table was moderated by Alberto Iglesias, deputy director of the "Disruptors and Innovators" portal of the newspaper El Español. Afterwards, several cases of collaboration between companies were presented, moderated by journalist Eva Lorente.

The event ended with a visit to company stands and demonstrations of their innovative products and services, developed within the framework of the UC3M Science Park and Leganés Tecnológico.

This meeting offers an opportunity to show the current and potential innovation of the UC3M Science Park and Leganés Tecnológico and to reinforce the importance of knowledge transfer at the University. The contents of the event were aligned with several of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as well as within the framework of UC3M's strategic plan mission. 

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