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A delegation of Korean scientists visit the UC3M Science Park's C3N-IA


The Korean Carbon and Nanoindustry Industry Association, as well as professors, researchers and students from three leading South Korean universities visited the Center for Innovation in Entrepreneurship and Artificial Intelligence (C3N-IA) of the Science Park of the University Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) during the month of July, with the aim of exchanging technological knowledge and promoting international joint research with Spanish institutions.

Una delegación de científicos coreano visitan el C3N-IA del Parque Científico de la UC3M

This visit was attended by Young-Jae Son, researcher at the Advanced Institute of Nanotechnology at Sungkyunkwan University, Jun-Young Park, researcher at the Department of Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials Engineering at Sejong University, and Moon-Gyu Jan, associate professor at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Hallym University. 

The day began with a welcome and introduction of the C3N-IA of the UC3M Science Park and Leganés Technology Park, presented by Virgilio Díaz, deputy director of the UC3M Entrepreneurship and Innovation Service.

Afterwards, Professor Luis López Bonilla, director of the University Institute on Modeling and Simulation in Fluid Dynamics, Nanoscience and Industrial Mathematics “Gregorio Millán Barbany”, presented the objectives of this institute, such as favoring a scientific and technical environment that protects and promotes activities related to the study of problems of scientific and technological interest in fluid dynamics, nanoscience and industrial mathematics through scientific and technological research, modeling, numerical simulation, scientific calculation and experimentation. The University Institute is formed by research groups from four departments: Mathematics; Thermal and Fluid Engineering; Physics; and Aerospace Engineering.

This was followed by a session for the Korean researchers to share their work and research, culminating in a discussion session and a description of the next steps in their fields of work. 

To conclude the day, a tour of the facilities was conducted, visiting two startups incubated in the UC3M Science Park:

  • AHYRES, development and integration of hardware and software for unmanned systems and autonomous systems.
  • PLANTAE, design and development of wireless technology focused on gardening and precision agriculture to optimize irrigation and increase productivity.