- HR Excellence in research
- Recruitment
The recruitment and selection of professors and the open, transparent and merit-based hiring policy for researchers are an essential part of our human resources strategy.
The goal is to have the best talent in the organization, and over the years we have made progress in the evolution of our recruitment and selection tools and processes.
Our recruitment processes are open because all academic and research positions are exposed in different national and international media, including as a priority in portals such as Euraxess and YUFE. The information provided in the offer is comprehensive and the evaluation, based on merit, is not only based on quantitative metrics on publications. Selection committees are increasingly valuing the diversified backgrounds of candidates.
Researcher career path in Spain at a glance!
In this document you will find a complete updated diagram of the different stages of your research career, identifying the different grants you can apply for at any given time.
The document also contains links to further information on each of the calls for applications.
UC3M Employment Website
The new UC3M Employment website will provide all relevant information for those interested in being hired by the University.
This action is part of a global project to improve the HR portals of UC3M:
This new website aims at reinforcing the universty’s already existing strategy of e-recruitment , in line with recommendations in the OTM-R Report (Open, Transparent and Merit-based), published in July, 2015 in the European Research Area.
Welcome Center for Faculty (WC4F)

El Servicio de RRHH y Organización pone en marcha su proyecto WELCOME CENTER FOR FACULTY (WC4F), con una nueva web y equipo especializado, que darán apoyo e información durante la preparación y el desarrollo de la estancia, del nuevo personal docente e investigador de la UC3M.
En esta nueva web se encuentra toda la información para ayudar a organizar la estancia y resolvemos todas las dudas e informamos de cada uno de los pasos y trámites a realizar para trabajar en la universidad
En esta sección encontrarás toda la información referente a temas como: Alojamiento, contrato o asistencia sanitaria.
Reception Strategy and Protocol for Faculty
On one hand, different UC3M services are working together to prepare and implement a reception protocol that will define incorporation procedures for researchers invited to our University. This will include practical issues such as the researcher’s arrival as well as topics such as intellectual property, workplace security and institutional and management-related information
On the other hand, a reception plan is also being developed for national and international staff who are linked to UC3M. This will cover the main aspects of the university that a professor/researcher needs to know in order to effectively carry out his or her teaching and research work.
The reception procedures implemented in our Jniversity are explained in full detail in the Guide for Managing the Movility of Foreign Research Staff in Spain, published in 2017 by FECYT (Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology).
This guide is a collection of the main areas that foreign research staff need to address if they decide to persue part of their career in Spain. It helps resolve doubts, not only for researchers themselves but also for the host institutions. The document covers subjects such as: the main characteristics of research and a research career in Spain, conditions of entry and residence, recognition of foreign academic degrees, the job market, social security and tax systems, national health and education systems and the EURAXESS Spain network( which provides support to researchers during periods of mobility).
Hosting Protocol for International Faculty
Hosting Protocol for International Visiting Researchers
Guidelines for the Management of the Mobility of the Foreign Researcher in Spain 2017
ERC: European Reseach Council
As part of the EU’s Seventh Framework Program (FP7),the European Research Council (ERC) was created by the European Commission in February 2007 to support researcher mobility. More specifically, it was based on the program FP7 IDEAS and has a total budget of 7.5 billion euros (2007-2013).
Its main goal is to stimulate scientific excellence in Europe by supporting and motivating the best researchers, academics and engineers to present their individual proposals in one of the area for research.
Selecting facutly
As host to researchers, UC3M is responsible for providing selection and hiring procedures that are open, transparent and internationally comparable. It also ensures compliance with national and international norms.
Existing regulations are being updated so that all selection processes for non-permanent teaching and research staff are in accordance with the principles of the OTM-R Report ( Open,Transparent and Merit-based), published in July 2015 in the European Research Area.
On the other hand, members of the Selection Committees shall know and understand the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct, and shall undertake to apply the defined measures with objectivity, always in accordance with the principles of merit and capability within a multidimensional curriculum.
Presentación sobre normativa de selección de Profesorado No Permanente
Transparency in UC3M selection and hiring processes
New tools are being introduced into the selection processes at UC3M so that candidates may be informed , prior to their selection, of the recruitment processes, selection criteria, the number of places on offer and prospects for their career development. In addition, candidates will be informed of the weaknesses and strengths of their application.