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Cabecera contratación

The recruitment and selection of professors and the open, transparent and merit-based hiring policy for researchers are an essential part of our human resources strategy.

The goal is to have the best talent in the organization, and over the years we have made progress in the evolution of our recruitment and selection tools and processes.

Our recruitment processes are open because all academic and research positions are exposed in different national and international media, including as a priority in portals such as Euraxess and YUFE. The information provided in the offer is comprehensive and the evaluation, based on merit, is not only based on quantitative metrics on publications. Selection committees are increasingly valuing the diversified backgrounds of candidates.

ACTION PLANS. The different Action Plans show the evolution to adapt HR policies to incorporate the best researchers and foster their professional development according to the principles contained in the European Charter for Researchers and Code of Conduct.

minicabecera action plan 2022-2024

Action Plan 2022-2024_actions Pillar II - Recruitment

The actions defined for the coming years are determined by the regulatory change in Universities and Research Centers and our involvement in the YUFE Alliance (Young Universities for the Future of Europe). UC3M has a high percentage of international teaching and research staff, so we must continue to improve our internal processes to provide better support and advice for the recruitment and visits of international professors and researchers.


R1_Joint participation through the YUFE Alliance in obtaining funds for attracting talent. (YUFE4Postdoc)

Participate within the YUFE Alliance in the definition of the Partnership Agreement and the Grand Agreement. UC3M will lead WP3, which is responsible for the development of the Call. The objective of the action is to obtain funds for the attraction of Postdoctoral talent in UC3M.

R2_UC3M : Research support personnel employment guide.

The objective is to inform about the different ways of hiring people who provide support in research, following the new national regulations published in December 2021.

R3_Regulations for the use of English in the University administrative procedures.

This action would consist of conducting an analysis of the difficulties that the new PDI (Teaching and Research Staff) has in seeking information / advice to perform certain internal administrative processes at the university (apart from all the necessary documentation to formalize their stay) and then design the plan itself with the proposed actions + implementation in phases. As possible measures, it could be standardized the support of the secretariats in the departments to the new incorporations or, even, with the design of a web page type I want/need as it has computer science... Along the same lines, a help section could be incorporated to help in the search for accommodation. The possible incorporation to the Welcome Portal of information to facilitate the departure of UC3M researchers to other institutions will also be analyzed.

R4_Plan to improve advice on internal procedures for researchers and professors who join UC3M through the Welcome Portal

This action would consist of conducting an analysis of the difficulties that the new PDI (Teaching and Research Staff) has in seeking information / advice to perform certain internal administrative processes at the university (apart from all the necessary documentation to formalize their stay) and then design the plan itself with the proposed actions + implementation in phases. As possible measures, it could be standardized the support of the secretariats in the departments to the new incorporations or, even, with the design of a web page type I want/need as it has computer science... Along the same lines, a help section could be incorporated to help in the search for accommodation. The possible incorporation to the Welcome Portal of information to facilitate the departure of UC3M researchers to other institutions will also be analyzed.

minicabecera action plan 2020-2022


R1_Implementation of the Human Resources Strategy for teaching and research staff at UC3M

Design and elaboration of a new Human Resources Strategy for the Faculty of the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid that is oriented towards fulfilling the mission of the university.
To define the strategy, we have taken into account the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid culture as a set of values and principles with which the institution identifies itself, which are reflected in the people who integrate it through their commitments and actions, the international principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the recruitment of researchers, those derived from the documents agreed within the framework of the YUFE alliance (Young Universities for the Future of Europe), as well as the objectives defined through a series of relevant instruments of our University, such as, among others: the Strategic Plan, the Equality Plan, the Code of Good Practices in Research and the Plan for the fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The axes on which the strategy is based are: commitment to best practices and ethical principles, open and transparent recruitment, working conditions and professional career, training and development, and communication and participation. The pillars on which the strategy is based are our mission and values and the people who make up the teaching and research staff.See complete document

Special emphasis has been placed on the communication of issues related to the HR Logo and a specific dissemination campaign has been designed R1 Report Comunicación HRS4R, including a survey R1 Report Comunicación HRS4R to know the opinion of PDI on the HR Strategy for teaching and research staff and the HR Excellence in Research logo.

R2_OTM-R UC3M Policy

Our evolution in the application of C&C principles for the recruitment of professors and researchers, as well as the development and implementation of our OTMR-UC3M policy, makes us an institution with clear and transparent recruitment processes. We strive to publicize our processes in different media R2 Protocol for communication of vacancies and calls for applications at UC3M, especially in the Euraxess portal along with the use of national and international channels. The double recruitment and selection committees specialized in the areas and competencies and balanced in gender, together with the evaluation criteria that both committees agree, ensure that the people who join the university are the most suitable Our OTM-R policy is making the recruitment processes in our economy much more open and transparent. Likewise, it has been achieved that the systems of evaluation and professional evaluation of our researchers are much more competitive, broad and valuing aspects indicated in the Code of Conduct.

R3_Establish assessment criteria for the selection, recruitment and renewal of non-tenured faculty

In the interests of greater transparency and on the basis of the OTM-R UC3M policy, the guarantees of the recruitment process and in compliance with the regulations approved by the Governing Council on 19 March 2018 "The Recruitment Committees will agree on the criteria for the assessment of merits. These criteria must be agreed with the Selection Committees".

R4_Development of Talent Attraction Programmes at UC3M

The Carlos III University of Madrid has been developing several specific talent attraction programs to attract the best professors and researchers. These Programmes are aligned with the 9 principles and requirements set out in the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. These programs, such as: CONEX-Plus, Chairs of Excellence, Juan de la Cierva, Ramón y Cajal, Requalification of teachers, among others, in general, are programs that receive external funding, therefore, their realization depends on the regional, national and European calls that are successfully attended, or on the capture of private funds. Although also, sometimes it is the university itself that makes the investment, such as the call for 30 Postdoctoral Stays of the year 2021. The impact that these programs have on the organization is always advantageous, since they help position our organization in the international frontline, promoting the obtaining of quality research results. These benefits extend bidirectionally, since talent attraction programs encourage the mobility and training of researchers, clearly impacting their career development. In short, they are programs that contribute to maintaining a global environment of teaching and research excellence."

R5_Support for the internationalisation of the Faculty

UC3M has a large number of cooperation agreements developed through exchange programs for students and professors and researchers. Mobility programmes for teaching and research staff facilitate and encourage travel by providing logistical, administrative and legal support. The international profile of the university enhances the professional development of teaching and research staff through exposure to a universal and multicultural environment. UC3M is a member of the YUFE alliance, whose objective is to build a new concept of European, multicampus, student-centered, inclusive and open university. Through the Alliance we develop mechanisms to facilitate the mobility and training of our employees and the exchange of resources with the aim of creating a unique space for research and higher education in Europe. This gives us added value when it comes to attracting international talent. YUFE website

R6_Internationalisation UC3M through the Welcome Portal

A single welcome entry point has been established for professors and visitors, which allows centralizing, knowing and computing all the people who make a temporary stay without contractual relationship in the university. On the Welcome Center page you will find all the information to help you organize your stay before your arrival and during the time you are at UC3M. They will also have access to the necessary information to be able to process the stay as a visiting professor. Hosting Protocol for International Visiting Researchers. Also, once they arrive at the university, they have access to a Welcome Program that provides them with information and thus facilitates their integration into the university community. This tool allows the Human Resources service to monitor the degree of compliance with the training itinerary

R7_Employment Portal, improving e-recruitment services

The Employment Portal must publicize all the relevant aspects for those who are interested in being hired by UC3M. A university with a strong character towards internationalization requires tools that facilitate all recruitment processes R7 Communication 2020 Campaigns Report, from the recruitment phase to the landing of the selected people. In the last 3 years we have advanced in this line achieving an increase in services in these processes, whose impact has been noticed in a greater number of candidates in the processes and more adhoc profiles

R8_Regulation on the use of English in proceedings

As indicated in the OTM-R Report (July, 2015) all information must be published in two languages, in the national and in English. This regulation, still in the draft phase, will provide legal certainty, since it establishes the criteria that determine the use of English with legal effectiveness. It also allows us to give a boost to the use of English in administrative activity, as English is admitted as the only language in those procedures / procedures in which it is possible, and is considered as a complementary language in the rest.

minicabecera action plan 1917-1919


R1_Update of the UC3M Hiring Regulations for non-tenured faculty.

R2_UC3M Postdoctoral Researcher Hiring Guidelines for UC3M Departments, adapted to Spanish regulations (certifications)

R3_To train the members of the Selection Committee, committing to comply with the principles contained in the C&C.

  • Evidence: Recruitment video, which is the one on the homepage

R4_Development of the new Employee Porta

R5_UC3M Regulation on the use of English in all processes.

This action could not be implemented at that time and is included in subsequent Action Plans.

Logotipo HR Excellence in research

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