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UC3M Master’s programs among the best in Spain

According to the 250 Máster El Mundo 2016



Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) is ranked among the top institutions in Spain for studying a Master’s degree, according to the new 250 MÁSTER ranking, published for the 12th consecutive year by El Mundo newspaper.  According to the results of this report, UC3M has 19 master’s programs in the top five positions for the 50 specializations assessed by this report.

Centro de Postgrado de la UC3M

This guide gathers the top 250 graduate programs selected from the more than one thousand options analyzed.  Its aim is to make it easier for a future student to choose a program.  Only the degree programs that fulfill the following requirements are taken into account:  instruction must take place on campus; they must be taught in Spain; they must have a minimum duration of 500 classroom hours; and they must have been taught at least four times.  This last feature (having been taught for the last five years) leaves a considerable number of UC3M’s Master’s programs, which were launched during this period, outside the ranking.

In the current report, the number of UC3M Master’s degrees in this ranking increased from 16 to 19 with respect to last year’s edition. The corresponding specializations (in alphabetical order) are:

  • Máster en Acción Solidaria Internacional y de Inclusión Social (taught in Spanish) (Master’s in International Solidarity Action and Social Inclusion)
  • Máster en Administración y Dirección de Empresas (Master’s in Business Administration and Management) UC3M-ESCP Europe (taught in English and Spanish)
  • Máster en Archivística (taught in Spanish) (Master’s in Archives)
  • Máster en Comunicación Corporativa e Institucional (taught in Spanish) (Master’s in Corporate and Institutional Communication)
  • Máster en Comunicación de Moda y Belleza VOGUE-UC3M (taught in Spanish) (Master’s in Fashion and Beauty Communication)
  • Máster en Derechos Fundamentales (taught in Spanish) (Master’s in Fundamental Rights)
  • Máster en Dirección Internacional de Empresas (taught in Spanish and English) (Master’s in International Business Administration)
  • Máster en Gestión Cultural (taught in Spanish) (Master’s in Cultural Management)
  • Máster en Gestión de la Industria Cinematográfica (taught in Spanish) (Master’s in Film Industry Management)
  • Máster Universitario en Asesoría Jurídica de Empresas (taught in Spanish) (University Master’s in Business Legal Advice)
  • Máster Universitario en Ciencia y Tecnología Informática (taught in Spanish) (University Master’s in IT Science and Technology)
  • Máster Universitario en Derecho de la Unión Europea (taught in a Spanish-English bilingual mode) (University Master’s in European Union Law)
  • Máster Universitario en Dirección de Recursos Humanos (taught in English ) (University Master’s in Human Resources Management)
  • Máster Universitario en Finanzas (taught in English) (University Master’s in Finance)
  • Máster Universitario en Ingeniería Informática (taught in Spanish) (University Master’s in Computer Engineering)
  • Máster Universitario en Mediación, Negociación y Resolución de Conflictos (taught in Spanish) (University Master’s in Mediation, Negotiation, and Conflict Resolution)
  • Máster Universitario en Prevención de Riesgos Laborales (taught in Spanish) (University Master’s in Prevention of Occupational Risk)
  • Máster Universitario en Propiedad Intelectual (taught in Spanish) University Master’s in Intellectual Property)
  • Máster Universitario Erasmus Mundus en Física de Plasmas y Fusión Nuclear (taught in Spanish) (University Master’s Erasmus Mundus in Plasma Physics and Nuclear Fusion)

To construct the ranking, help and opinions from 750 experts- professors, students, degree alumni and collaborating companies alike- were taken into account.  All together, 25 different criteria were considered, relating to demand, human resources, curriculum, results and the material means that each master’s program possesses.  

New additions to the graduate program offer

For academic year 2016/17, UC3M is broadening its graduate offer with eight new University Master’s programs: Social Sciences, Communication and Advertising, Administrative Management, Computing Technologies applied to the Financial Sector, Smart Grid Technologies, Mobile Technologies and Services, Transparency and Good Governance, Sustainable Urbanism and Urban Policies. In addition, the following four UC3M-accredited Masters are being launched: Specialist in Public Affairs and Lobbying, Expert in International Business and Master’s in Political and Electoral Analysis.

UC3M has a total of 64 official Master degree programs (17 in Law, 12 in Economics and Business; 12 in Humanities, Communication, Documentation and Social Sciences; 23 in Engineering and Basic Sciences), in addition to 41 UC3M-accredited Master’s programs. Approximately 15 percent of the programs are taught in both English and Spanish (bilingual) and around 20 percent are taught solely in English.  .

Further information:   

UC3M Center of Graduate Studies