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UC3M University Access Card to offer access to library services throughout the Madrid Autonomous Community


Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M)  and the Madrid Autonomous Community Office of Culture and Tourism have signed an agreement so that the University Community can access the Community Library Network through the UC3M Smart Card (Tarjeta Universitaria Inteligente –TUI, in Spanish).



La Tarjeta Universitaria de la UC3M dará acceso a los servicios bibliotecarios de la Comunidad de Madrid

Thanks to this agreement, UC3M students, administrative staff, and faculty can benefit from the advantages and services that it provides to these libraries, such as access to the digital kiosk, including newspapers and magazines, as well as the electronic lending platform, eBiblio, which includes works from a wide range of subjects, some of them in English, with recommendations according to areas of interest.  The catalogue from these libraries enable general and specialized searches, and access to reading recommendations and to links of interest, such as the Digital Library and the Reader Portal.

Furthermore, the User Area and the Reader Portal facilitate use of all these services, enabling the user herself to make a request, reserve a book, cancel a reservation, update personal data, etc.  

Further información:

Tarjeta Universitaria Inteligente de la UC3M (UC3M Smart Card):