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UC3M Welcomes International High School Guidance Counselors


Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) has organized its first High School Advisors Tour, a visit aimed at university guidance counselors from foreign high schools who specialize in university orientation.

La UC3M recibe a orientadores internacionales de educación secundaria

This event, organized by UC3M’s Carlos III International School during the month of July, gathered ten career counselors from foreign high schools. During their visit, they had the opportunity to learn about the opportunities the university makes available to international students. The delegation, made up of eight counselors from the United States (from the states of California, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey and Rhode Island), as well as two from Europe (Greece and the UK), was greeted by Chancellor Juan Romo.

With the recent accreditation of UC3M as part of the Generation Study Abroad program of the North American Institute of International Education (Instituto de Estudios Internacionales norteamericano), this visit by school counselors is essential to improving UC3M’s position in the context of this initiative, according to the organizers.

In this forum, which included a variety of cultural activities and meetings designed to present the university’s campuses and facilities, the emphasis was on the opportunities that UC3M offers to international students, such as: admission without taking the “selectividad” exam (Spanish university entrance exam) for students with a non-European high school diploma, Foundation Courses, and international Summer Courses.  

During the High School Advisors Tour, held on the Getafe and Leganés campuses, there were several presentations regarding the bilingual degrees and those offered entirely in English, the dual degrees and complementary degrees, as well as the university structure and composition, and the services available to international students. Finally, the international counselors took part in colloquiums where they could talk about the way they work with their students, offer ideas to be developed, and suggest outlines for future joint projects.