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UC3M becomes part of the International Spanish Language Evaluation Service


Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) has become a partner in the International Spanish Language Evaluation Service (Servicio Internacional de Evaluación de la Lengua Española - SIELE), which is responsible for evaluating and certifying examinees’ level of Spanish using electronic means; it is aimed at students and professionals on five continents.

La UC3M entra a formar parte del Servicio Internacional de Evaluación de la Lengua Española

This collaboration agreement (acuerdo de colaboración) signed with the Instituto Cervantes, the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México and the Universidad de Salamanca (the project’s partner institutions) recognizes the UC3M as an associate university of the SIELE.

The SIELE project is an international electronic service for evaluating and certifying competence in Spanish based on a scale that uses the levels established in the Common European Framework of References for Languages; it is aimed at individuals who wish to certify their skill level in Spanish, regardless of their nationality, linguistic background or their age.

Within the SIELE framework, the goal is to develop a great virtual Spanish platform as a support and complement to the exam. It will include space for a variety of products and initiatives related to the Spanish language. This platform, called “The SIELE virtual Spanish campus” (“Campus virtual del español SIELE”), seeks to establish a new standard reference in the area of teaching, knowledge, promotion and dissemination of Spanish throughout the world.

SIELE guarantees standards for quality and best practices in the development of the tests, and in the use of different linguistic varieties in the Spanish-speaking world. Moreover, more than 75 associate institutions in over 20 countries in Latin America that are actively involved in SIELE, and that collaborate on research regarding the teaching of Spanish, back the quality of the contents, in addition to contributing innovative didactic material.

Further information:

Centro de Idiomas de la UC3M
Email:  T. +34 916248631