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UC3M and Université Paris-Dauphine launch the Global Bachelor Programme


The new program was inaugurated with an opening ceremony on September 5 in the Professors Club of the Getafe Campus, attended by the Rectors from both universities as well as the French ambassador, and welcoming some 30 students who will be able to take advantage of a dual education:  academically and linguistically speaking.

La UC3M y la Universidad Paris-Dauphine lanzan el Global Bachelor Programme

The new program was inaugurated with an opening ceremony on September 5 in the Professors Club of the Getafe Campus, attended by the Rectors from both universities as well as the French ambassador, and welcoming some 30 students who will be able to take advantage of a dual education:  academically and linguistically speaking.

The three-year program permits students from the Université Paris-Dauphine to carry out the first two academic years of their degree program in Spain.  The curriculum is focused on the areas of Economics and Management and has a marked international character, especially geared toward Latin America.   

This international UC3M collaboration agreement sprang from a similar experience of the French university in London, begun in 2014. In the case of the Global Bachelor Dauphine in Madrid, the idea is to form a trilingual plan Spanish, English and French - aimed at students from the Lycée Français and students from all over the world.  In addition, the students in this degree program can choose between Portuguese or Mandarin as a complementary language.   .

UC3M administers this program through its center, the Carlos III International School, which foments initiatives with an international reach, special programs for foreign students and educational activities in language and culture from other countries targeting UC3m students.  

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