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The philologist Aurora Egido, UC3M Doctor Honoris Causa

A member of the RAE



Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) will bestow the title of Doctor Honoris Causa upon the Hispanic philologist Aurora Egido next Friday, September 9, in recognition of her teaching and research work in the field of Spanish literature, as well as her extensive career as an academic scholar  She is a Full Professor of Spanish Literature at the Universidad de Zaragoza, holds the B chair at the Real Academia Española-RAE (Royal Spanish Academy), and is one of our country’s chief specialists in Baroque literature.  

La filóloga Aurora Egido, Doctora Honoris Causa por la UC3M

The award ceremony, which will be held in the Aula Magna on the UC3M Getafe campus, will take place during the official inauguration of academic year 2016/17, with the presence of Rector,Juan Romo. The laudatio will be made by María Victoria Pavón, Associate Professor of Spanish Language in the UC3M Department of Humanities, Philosophy, Language and Literature. Afterwards, there will be an opening keynote speech entitled “Don Quijote o la voluntad de verdad” (Don Quixote or the will of the truth”, by Fernando Broncano, UC3M Full Professor of Philosophy of Science.

Aurora Egido Martínez (Molina de Aragón, Guadalajara; 1946) who holds an undergraduate and doctoral degree from the Universidad de Barcelona, is a Full Professor of Spanish Literature at the Universidad de Zaragoza. She has held the B chair of the Real Academia Española since 2013 and has been a corresponding member of the British Academy since 2013. Likewise, she has been a professor at different universities in Spain (Barcelona, Autónoma de Barcelona, and León),Great Britain (Cambridge, Cardiff. London),and in the United States (California, Johns Hopkins, New York). In addition, she was vice-Chancellor of Humanities and Courses for International Students at Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo. Her research focuses on Spanish Golden Age Literature, particularly the work of Saint Teresa of Jesus, Miguel de Cervantes, Calderón and Baltasar Gracián, about whom she has published numerous books, such as “La rosa del silencio”, 1996; “Humanidades y dignidad del hombre en Baltasar Gracián”, 2001; and “Bodas de Arte e Ingenio”, 2014, among others. She has been distinguished with the following awards: the Les Palmes Académiques from the French Ministry of Education (1995),the Baltasar Gracián Award from the Government of Aragon (2003), the Cortes de Aragón Medal (2005), the  Ramón Menéndez Pidal National Research Prize(2008), and the Zaragoza Gold Medal  (2013), among others..