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UC3M bestows 2017 Pilar Azcárate Awards for gender and equal opportunities research

Celebrating International Women’s Day


Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) has bestowed its Pilar Azcárate Research Awards to nearly a dozen final bachelor’s degree projects, Master’s theses and Ph.D. theses that deal with the subjects of gender and equal opportunities.

La UC3M entrega sus premios Pilar Azcárate 2017

The awards ceremony, the second of its kind, was held on March 6th in the Aula Magna on the Getafe campus. The ceremony coincides with the start of conferences UC3M is holding from March 6th to 10th for International Women’s Day.

With these awards, the University wishes to promote research on issues related to gender and equal opportunities. The jury evaluated the quality of the theses, the relevance and originality of their topics and contributions and their coherence with the principles of the UC3M Plan for Equality.

Award-winning projects

The award for the best doctoral thesis went to “Women:  Creators of Televised Fiction during the Transition,” by Natalia Martínez Pérez, who did her Ph.D. on Research in Media.

There were two awards for Master’s theses. Alicia Barrón Macías was granted one for her study titled “Gender Violence from a Legal and Victimological Standpoint.” Barrón did her Master’s degree in Criminal Justice. Grecia González Miranda received the other for her thesis “Women in Professional Sports between the Verification of Sex and Hyperandrogenism: An Approach from Human Rights.” González did her Master’s in Advanced Studies in Human Rights.

Four students received awards for their end-of-bachelor’s degree projects. Mª Luisa Herrera López and Álvaro Moles Romero were granted one for their co-authored paper “Treated.”  Both Herrera and Moles are studying a dual degree in Journalism and Audiovisual Communication. An ex aqueo award went to Pablo Gómez González for his paper “Biomechanical Analysis of Health Workers in Madrid Public Hospitals.” Gómez is studying a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering. Lastly, Isabel Fernández González was awarded a prize for her paper “Conventional Pornography as a Device of Hetero-Patriarchal Sexuality.”  Fernández is studying a dual degree in Political Science and Sociology. 

All the awards, for the amounts of 1000, 800 and 600 euros, respectively, are funded by the Equality Unit of the UC3M Office of the Vice-Rectorate for Students, Social Responsibility and Equality.

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Día Internacional de la Mujer