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Spanish software optimizes functioning of industrial warehouses

Developed by Obuu, a startup supported by UC3M


Obuu, a company supported by the business incubator of Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) Science Park, has developed software for the logistical optimization of stocks. The software makes it possible to streamline the management of replacements and save costs on storage.

Un software español optimiza el funcionamiento de los almacenes industriales

The software, which can be used in all types of industries, carries out advanced processing of data thanks to which future needs of the stock of parts and tools can be predicted in the event of breakdowns, for example. The airline sector, which Obuu has already worked in, has managed to reduce the risk that a specific part is not in the warehouse by 25%, which in turn reduces necessary investment by up to 20%.

Essentially, what it does is compile all the logistical data, make a diagnosis of the capacity of the stock and make simulations of possible scenarios to try to optimize the functioning of the warehouses. “For a small fleet of 29 airplanes operating an average of 12 hours per day, we manage to reduce investment in them by about 600,000 euros and increase the availability of this fleet by 17%,” said Mario Inglés, who founded Obuu with Francisco Inglés and Nicolás Hornillos.

“If an airline has to repair a lot of engines and doesn’t have enough tools at that moment, it is not going to be able to repair them in parallel, which would be devastating to meeting deadlines,” explained Hornillos. “A grounded airplane costs many thousands of euros per minute, because it generates revenue when it is flying. This explains the importance of systems like the ones we propose. They prevent the unnecessary wasting of time because of stock shortages.”

The software created by these entrepreneurs is based on a mathematical model which allows the user to make predictions according to a random performance of components. Continuing with the example of the air fleet, this system could, for instance, indicate to maintenance and repair centers how many tools they are going to need at the same time in case they have to repair a certain number of airplanes. “You don’t have to buy all of them immediately, but knowing that you’re going to need them in a month’s time, you can buy or lease them,” said Hornillos.

“Its main advantage is that it can be adapted to all of the client’s needs, in addition to taking into account entire stocks of replacements, consumables and tools,” said Hornillos. The methods they offer to achieve the best cost-efficiency relationship of the stock of consumables, replacements and equipment can be used in any sector that requires complex maintenance, such as renewable energy or railway or shipbuilding industries.

Obuu Tech S.L. is a company incubated under the ESA BIC Comunidad de Madrid-Nodo UC3M program, a business incubation initiative of the European Space Agency managed in Madrid by the madri+d Foundation with the support of the regional government. This program facilitates incentives for business projects and startups which use space technologies or which develop applications based on these technologies with the goal of creating new products and services. The business incubator of the UC3M Science Park is one of the four nodes that comprise ESA BIC Comunidad de Madrid.


Noticia en chino (chinese version) - Obbu