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UC3M is among the top five Spanish universities

According to the CYD ranking


The Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) is among the best Spanish universities based on its performance, according to the fifth edition of the Fundación CYD (Knowledge and Development) ranking and it is the leading Spanish university in terms of international outlook.

Ranking CYD

The latest edition of this report analyses 36 indicators focused on five areas: research, teaching, global outlook, transfer of knowledge and contribution to regional development. The five regions with the largest number of high performance indicators are Catalonia, Valencia, Madrid, Navarra and the Basque Country.

UC3M is ranked fourth among Spanish universities for the global number of high performance indicators and tops the ranking in terms of global outlook, together with the Universidad Autónoma in Barcelona and Universidad Autónoma in Madrid. It is also in the top 10 in Spain in the fields of research and transfer of knowledge.

The 2018 CYD ranking includes performance results of 73 Spanish universities (all of the 50 public and 23 private universities) out of the 82 that provide degrees

The fifth edition of this ranking, driven by the Fundación, which is led by Ana Botín, is based on data from several sources: the institutes themselves; the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport; and patent and bibliometric information. Their online tool enables you to identify the Spanish universities in 22 subject fields and the courses which best suit the students’ interests.

CYD ranking website