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Declaration of Young Universities for the Future of Europe

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid is a member of the alliance


The Young Universities for the Future of Europe alliance, of which Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) is a member, met today in Brussels to lay the foundations for a proposal for the European Universities initiative.

Imagen de representantes de las instituciones de la Young Universities for the Future of Europe en Bruselas

This is the challenge that has brought together seven institutions known for their commitment to research, their innovative approach to education and a strong European identity: the University of Antwerp (Belgium), the University of Bremen (Germany), Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (Spain), the University of Essex (England), the University of Eastern Finland, Maastricht University (the Netherlands) and the University of Rome Tor Vergata (Italy).

Their aim is to prepare a joint project for the call for proposals that the European Commission is opening next autumn, under the European Universities Initiative. These seven institutions are part of the Young European Research Universities Network (YERUN) which consists of universities which were founded less than fifty years ago and who occupy top positions in internationally prestigious rankings.

The meeting, held today at the Brussels campus of Maastricht University, was attended by representatives of the seven academic centres and the European Commission as well as various experts in education. UC3M was represented by its rector, Juan Romo, the current chairperson of the YERUN network.

These seven universities are united in their aim of providing subsequent generations of Europeans with the best possible education and, to this end, they have published a statement in which they pledge to:

  1. Work to strengthen the identity of Europe, its values ​​and competitiveness on a global scale.
  2. Support innovative research regarding subjects which tackle the principal European and global challenges.
  3. Foster inclusivity and promote the European employability of its graduates.
  4. Connect the local, regional, European and global dimensions and ensure the transfer of knowledge for all members and the community in general.
  5. Create structures which are flexible, complementary and inclusive.
  6. Develop the shared infrastructures, mobility and multilingualism of students, researchers and non-academic staff.
  7. Play an active role in the implementation of the Digital Agenda for Europe and promote Open Science initiatives.
  8. Build and promote synergies at the level of research, education and innovation.
  9. Contribute to the development of legislative and accreditation frameworks aimed at supporting the introduction of European diplomas.

The alliance will ensure the participation and commitment of the entire university community for the preparation and launch of the proposal.