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UC3M attracts the best students and is a leader in Erasmus mobility

"The Spanish University in Figures 2016/2017" Report


Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) is still the leading Spanish university in terms of its ability to attract students with the best grades, according to the report "The Spanish University in Figures 2016/2017", published by the Conference of Presidents of Spanish Universities (CRUE in its Spanish acronym) with the collaboration of Santander Universities, and it rises 2.23 points compared to the previous edition.

Logo de la CRUE

UC3M is also the leading public university in terms of the percentage of its undergraduate students with international mobility on the Erasmus+ Program (received and sent) in the 2016/2017 academic year, according to this report. Currently, UC3M offers 1,833 Erasmus+ places for its undergraduate and postgraduate students to study for one or more semesters in some of the 337 European universities in 29 countries with which it has agreements. As it is an exchange programme, UC3M can receive a similar number of students from partner universities each year.

In addition, UC3M is the Spanish university with the highest percentage of degree courses delivered in a foreign language or bilingually, with 61.4 percent in the academic year 2016/2017, followed by the Universidad Europea de Madrid and the Universidad de Oviedo, respectively.

Furthermore, UC3M is among the Spanish public universities that attract the highest number of students from other autonomous communities. It is ranked second in this regard, after the Universidad de Salamanca, which has a higher percentage of students who come from outside its autonomous community.

The report "The Spanish University in Figures 2016/2017" analyses the progress of the Spanish University System (SUE in its Spanish acronym) and highlights the most notable aspects of the performance of Spanish public and private universities in the period analysed.

"The Spanish University in Figures 2016/2017" Report (in PDF)