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CRUE manifesto on the occasion of International Women’s Day 2021


On the 8th March, we are calling once again, as we do every year, for the need to make progress towards effective equality between women and men that will allow us to achieve a truly just and democratic society.

Manifiesto de CRUE con motivo del Día Internacional de la Mujer 2021

In order to reach this goal, it remains essential that we bear the challenges ahead in mind.  Violence against women, the feminization of poverty, difficulties in accessing leadership and the public sphere in general, and reconciliation are persistent problems that the feminist movement puts at the centre of public debate as a priority year after year. 

This academic year has been marked by a complex global situation caused by the pandemic and health emergency. Firstly, we would like to remember all those who have lost their lives because of this cause, as well as those who have remained on the front line. However, it is also necessary to clarify that on the 8th March this year that, although the current situation is affecting the whole of society, the crisis is, as usual, affecting women in particular. 

In the current scenario, it has become clear again the feminization of poverty, as well as women’s increased exposure to risk due to their roles as caregivers, their greater vulnerability in situations of gender-based violence and child abuse, and the increasing number of problems related to reconciliation and the lack of co-responsibility. Therefore, the Network of Gender Equality Unities for University Excellence (RUIGEU, in its Spanish acronym) is promoting the Telecommuting Guide and co-responsible reconciliation in times of Covid-19 in this context, with the aim of improving recognised reconciliation problems that further deepen the various gender gaps that exist within the university community. 

We would like to note the progress made this year to close the gender gap through the implementation of specific measures. The creation of the Gender and University Roundtable, promoted by the Spanish Ministry of Universities and in which Crue is being represented by Eva Alcón, Equality delegate and President of the Universitat Jaume I. This is one of these measures and it demonstrates the positive and increasing trend toward addressing problems faced by women in universities. In this respect, Crue wants to assert the importance of the work being carried out by the Equality Units to progress toward eliminating inequality and working to ensure that the gender perspective permeates all university policies. Excellence and quality are not possible without equality. 

Incorporating women’s and gender perspectives has been a legal obligation for more than a decade. However, it is also a moral obligation for the University. We have a responsibility to be the driver of social change through training, research and raising awareness. 

Universities are committed to continuing to work and move towards real and effective equality on this day and every other day of the year.