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  • The Julián Marías Award for researchers under the age of 40 from the Community of Madrid was awarded to Jan Leonard Stuhler, a UC3M lecturer

The Julián Marías Award for researchers under the age of 40 from the Community of Madrid was awarded to Jan Leonard Stuhler, a UC3M lecturer


The Community of Madrid’s 2021 Julián Marías Award for researchers under the age of 40 was awarded ex aequo to Jan Leonard Stuhler, a lecturer at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid’s (UC3M) Department of Economics.

Jan Leonard Stuhler

This award is divided into two parts: the scientific career award, which recognises the winner’s achievements, training within their area of expertise, and the national and international impact they have had throughout their career; and the researchers under forty years of age award, which highlights the quality and excellence of the work they undertook at the beginning of their career. This year, the latter was awarded ex aequo to Jan Leonard Stuhle, a UC3M researcher, and to Idoia Murga, senior scientist at the Spanish National Research Council’s Historical Institute (CSIC, in its Spanish acronym).

Jan Leonard Stuhler is currently a senior lecturer at the UC3M’s Department of Economics. He received his PhD in Economics from University College London (United Kingdom) and completed his bachelor's degree in Economics at the University of Bonn (Germany). His research area is applied microeconomics, namely labour and public economy. Based on microeconometric methods, his main lines of research address issues related to inequality and migration and its effects on successive generations.

This award is one of the Community of Madrid’s 2021 Research Awards, which honour biochemist Margarita Salas, physicist Miguel Catalán, and philosopher Julián Marías, recognising their intellectual trajectories and contributions to knowledge.