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The UC3M is awarded a prize for the quality of the internationalisation of its Erasmus+ 2021 project


The Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) has been awarded a prize for the quality of its Erasmus+ 2021 projects in higher education by the Spanish Service for the Internationalisation of Education (SEPIE, in its Spanish acronym) from the Ministry of Universities. SEPIE acts as a national agency for the European Union’s Erasmus+ programme in the fields of training and education in Spain.


The award ceremony for this prize, collected by the UC3M’s Vice Rector for Internationalisation and European University, Matilde Pilar Sánchez Fernández, was held during the Annual Erasmus+ 2021 Dissemination Day, on the 13th December at the Teatro Real in Madrid.

The Erasmus+ is a key programme in the internationalisation and quality of education, as well as in the development of University staff and students’ skills. In addition to this, it increases multiculturalism, multilingualism, and diversity on the UC3M’s campuses, 23% of which are international students.

In the 2019-20 academic year, 52% of the UC3M’s graduates spent at least one semester abroad. According to a study on the economic impact of internationalisation carried out by the UC3M’s Social Council, 7 out of 10 of the outgoing mobility students surveyed said that their “knowledge of the UC3M’s mobility programmes had some influence on their decision to enrol at the university”.

The UC3M’s Erasmus+ programme is supported by its large multilingual academic offering: 72% of its undergraduate credits and 35% of its postgraduate credits are taught in English.

In addition, the UC3M has more than 600 agreements with 335 universities in 29 European countries, including those that form international excellence networks that the UC3M participates in, such as YERUN (Young European Research Universities) or the European University, YUFE (Young Universities for the Future of Europe).

The UC3M is a Spanish public university which stands out in research, teaching and innovation. It ranks among the top 35 universities in the world in the QS Top 50 Under 50 ranking and appears among the best Spanish universities in terms of employability of its graduates, according to the Times Higher Education (THE) Global Employability Ranking and the QS Graduate Employability Ranking. The UC3M has numerous accreditations and quality distinctions, such as the EUR-ACE label in the field of Engineering and the AACSB accreditation in Business and Finance programmes, among others.