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The first YUFE4Postdocs call for applications is open


The Young Universities for the Future of Europe (YUFE) alliance, of which the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) is a member, has officially opened the first call for applications for YUFE4Postdocs (Y4P). Candidates can apply online and access the documents through the Y4P website. The call for applications will close on the 7th May.


This call for applications is aimed at young postdoctoral researchers of all nationalities and disciplines, whose research projects are aimed at solving social challenges and opportunities. The projects must fall under one of the two areas in which YUFE is focusing this call: sustainability and digital societies. There will be a second call for applications from the 1st of October to the 20th of December, which will focus on European identity and citizens’ well-being.

The text of the call for applications and the guide for applicants are available on the YUFE4Postdocs website with practical information.

Would you like to know more?

There will be an online webinar on the 10th of March (2-3 pm CET), where the Y4P team will provide an overview of the programme and where those wishing to apply can ask questions. In order to attend, you must pre-register at the following link. In addition, applicants can access the new Y4P brochure here, with key information for applicants, supervisors and co-supervisors. Any general inquiries about the programme can be sent to the Y4P Helpdesk inbox:

YUFE4Postdocs is part of the Young Universities for the Future of Europe alliance, which brings together nine young research-focused universities. With the support of Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, the Y4P project aims to attract and train young researchers to build bridges between academia and society.

Professional opportunities

Under this call for applications, a maximum of 51 places are being offered among the nine universities distributed between the two calls, for which a 36-month contract is offered with attractive working conditions including personalised supervision, career guidance and a specialised training programme in “research and innovation in community participation”. Ten local councils and six business organisations will contribute to the development of the training. Postdocs will freely define their project and carry out their research at the YUFE host university of their choice. They will also promote research collaboration at another YUFE partner university.


The Y4P Expertise web tool is available to find information about potential host research groups. Each partner university has a reference person (navigator) who can help potential applicants find a supervisor and/or co-supervisor. Contact details are available on the YUFE4Postdocs website.

About YUFE

The YUFE Alliance is made up of the following universities: the University of Antwerp (Belgium), the University of Bremen (Germany), the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (Spain), the University of Cyprus, the University of Eastern Finland, Maastricht University (the Netherlands),  the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun (Poland) and the University of Rijeka (Croatia). And the collaborating entities: the University of Essex (England), ETS Global and Adecco Group.

YUFE’s common goal is to contribute to a more competitive, innovative and united Europe and its ambition is to help tackle today’s challenges.