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  • UC3M climbs 13 positions nationally in the 2024 THE Young University Rankings

UC3M climbs 13 positions nationally in the 2024 THE Young University Rankings

It is among the 250 best young universities in the world


The Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) is ranked eighth nationally in the latest edition of the 2024 Times Higher Education (THE) Young University Rankings. Internationally, it is among the 250 best young universities in the world in terms of performance. This ranking includes the 673 best universities in the world that were founded between 1974 and the present day.

La UC3M escala 13 posiciones a nivel nacional en el THE Young University Rankings 2024

This ranking is based on 18 performance indicators (five more than last year) in five major areas: teaching (the learning environment; with a weight of 29.5%), research environment (income, productivity and reputation; 29%), research quality (citation impact, research strength, excellence and influence; 30%), international perspective (proportion of international students, proportion of international staff, international collaboration; 7.5%) and industry (income and patents; 4%). 

UC3M is ranked between positions 201 and 250 in the latest edition of this ranking, which analyses 68 more institutions than last year. 34 Spanish institutions are ranked. 

More information: 

2024 THE Young University Rankings Website