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New UC3M University Master’s in Transparency and Good Governance


Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) is offering a new University Master’s in Transparency and Good Governance for professionals in the field of law who wish to develop their full potential within the ambit of transparency and good governance in public and private organizations.

Nuevo Máster Universitario en Transparencia y Buen Gobierno de la UC3M

The aim of the Master’s in Transparency and Good Governance is to train professionals through implementation of a more open, transparent and renewed relationship between public administrations, private entities, and citizens.  

The Master’s is within the framework of the “New Trust Cm” (Programa Interuniversitario en Cultura de la Legalidad), which focuses on boosting research in these areas and on training to carry out projects such as the development of protocol for good practices in managing and administering public funds.  

The Master’s collaborates with such entities as Ideaborn, el Consejo de Transparencia y Buen Gobierno  and  Boye-Elbal & Asociados, among others. 

The program is taught on the Getafe and Puerta de Toledo campuses.  In addition to the different classes and seminars, students will be able to access professional internships in public and private institutions. UC3M offers grants and financial aid to students as well as an Orientación & Empleo (Career Guidance and Placement) Service to facilitate access to the labor market. 

This is one of the eight new University Master’s that UC3m will be offering for academic year 2016/2017:  Social Sciences, Communication and Advertising, Administrative Management, Computing Technologies applied to the Financial Sector, Smart Grid Technologies, Mobile Technologies and Services, Transparency and Good Governance, Sustainable Urbanism and Urban Policies. 

UC3M has a total of 64 official Master’s programs (17 in Law; 12 in Economics and Business; 12 in Humanities, Communication, Documentation and Social Sciences; 23 in Engineering and Basic Sciences), in addition to 41 UC3M-accredited Master’s programs. Approximately 15 percent of the programs are taught in English and Spanish and around 20 percent are taught solely in English.   Admission requirements and the necessary documentation are different in each case, and the specific requirements can be consulted in the “Admissions” section for each program. 

Further information:

University Master’s in Transparency and Good Governance (Máster Universitario en Transparencia y Buen Gobierno):