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New UC3M University Master’s in Social Sciences


The Instituto Carlos III-Juan March de Ciencias Sociales (IC3JM) of Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) is offering a new UC3M University Master’s in Social Sciences, whose aim is to enable students to carry out high quality research in key areas of Social Sciences (sociology, political science and economic history).

Nuevo Máster Universitario en Ciencias Sociales de la UC3M

The UC3M Master’s in Social Sciences’ goal is to form professionals capable of designing research, formulating hypotheses and analyzing data.  For this purpose, it provides interdisciplinary education and training with a substantial component of quantitative methodology and techniques. 

The program consists of two years of study (120 credits) with instruction solely in English. The first year is composed of core courses in sociological analysis, social stratification, comparative politics, economic history and economic policy together with another block of methodology courses (statistics, game theory, and research design). During the second academic year, the methodology courses continue with three specialization tracks: political science, sociology or economic history. (It is also possible to combine courses from the different tracks.)

The Master’s program faculty is chiefly made up of professors from the UC3M Social Sciences department, with support from the Economics and Statistics departments.  In addition, IC3JM invites world class professors from other universities to also teach in the program.   The first edition of the Master’s will incorporate faculty from the London School of Economics, the University of Manheim, or the University of California, among others.

The Master’s offered by the IC3JM is linked to the Master’s in Social Sciences program offered   between 1987 and 2007 in the Centro de Estudios Avanzados en Ciencias Sociales del Instituto Juan March (Juan March Institute’s Center of Advanced Studies in Social Sciences), with such renown social scientists as: (among many others) Pablo Beramendi (Duke University), Luis de la Calle (CIDE), Victor Lapuente (University of Gothenburg), Covadonga Meseguer (London School of Economics), and  Javier Polavieja (Universidad Carlos III).

UC3M provides grants, financial aid, and its Orientación & Empleo (Career Guidance and Placement) Service to facilitate students’ entry into the labor market.  In the specific case of this Master’s program, students can also opt for two different two-year grants offered by the Juan March Servera Chair, which was created through an agreement between UC3M and the Fundación Juan March.

This is one of the eight new University Master’s programs that UC3m will be offering for academic year 2016/2017:  Social Sciences, Communication and Advertising, Administrative Management, Computing Technologies applied to the Financial Sector, Smart Grid Technologies, Mobile Technologies and Services, Transparency and Good Governance, Sustainable Urbanism and Urban Policies. 

UC3M has a total of 64 official Master’s programs (17 in Law; 12 in Economics and Business; 12 in Humanities, Communication, Documentation and Social Sciences; 23 in Engineering and Basic Sciences), in addition to 41 UC3M-accredited Master’s programs.  Approximately 15 percent of the programs are taught in English and Spanish, and around 20 percent are taught solely in English.   Admission requirements and the necessary documentation are different in each case, and the specific requirements can be consulted in the “Admissions” section for each program. 

Further  information:

UC3M University Master’s in Social Sciences

Master’s homepage: