Patricia López Navarro

Ms. Patricia López Navarro
She accessed the Higher Scale of General Administration Technicians UC3M in 1998. Graduate in Law, extraordinary award (Universidad Valencia). Master in Management and Analysis of Public Policies, honorable mention (National Institute of Public Administration).
Since joining the university, she assumed different responsibilities in the areas of human resources, management modernization projects and in the area of academic management.
Since 2006, she has been the director of the Degree and Teaching Support Service, which is responsible for coordinating the activity of the student offices of the faculties and schools, as well as the admission and enrollment processes of national students. and international; scholarships from the Ministry of Education, the issuance of university degrees and academic attention, information and advice, always seeking a comprehensive approach to the service.
During these years, she has actively participated in different strategic projects such as the adaptation of study plans to the European Higher Education Area (Bologna process), the national and international verification and accreditation processes of studies, collaboration with the International School and internationalization programs, as well as in the creation and support of the Faculty of Health Sciences and the center attached to the University.