Mª Victoria Pavón Lucero

Professor Mª Victoria Pavón Lucero
María Victoria Pavón Lucero is Professor of Spanish Language in the Department of Humanities: Philosophy, Language and Literature at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. She graduated in Hispanic Philology (section: Linguistics) at the Universidad Complutense of Madrid and obtained her PhD in Philology at the same institution, within the Doctoral Program in Theoretical Linguistics and Language Acquisition, which was developed at the Instituto Universitario Ortega y Gasset. She has also taught at the Universidad Pontificia Comillas in Madrid, and has made research stays and taught courses at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Universidad Católica de Lovaina, University of Cologne, University of Buenos Aires and University of Cambridge. He teaches several subjects related to Spanish Language and Theoretical Linguistics.
His research work has been mainly focused on Spanish grammar, mainly syntax, and its teaching. She has also done research in lexicology and lexicography, with a special focus on didactics. She has participated in several competitive research projects on the aforementioned subjects, in some of which she has been the principal investigator. She has published books, book chapters and articles in prestigious national and international journals and publishing houses, and was a prominent member of the teams responsible for the last two major Spanish grammars published: the Gramática descriptiva de la lengua española, directed by Ignacio Bosque and Violeta Demonte, and the Nueva gramática de la lengua española, published by the Real Academia Española and the Asociación de Academias de la Lengua Española.