Pablo Serrano Yáñez-Mingot
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- Pablo Serrano Yáñez-Mingot

Professor Pablo Serrano Yáñez-Mingot
Pablo Serrano got his Telecommunication Engineering degree and his PhD from UC3M in
2002 and 2006, respectively. He has been with the Telematics Department of UC3M since
2002, where he currently holds the position of Associate Professor. He has over 100 peer-
reviewed papers in international journal and top conferences. He has served on the TPC of
many of many conferences and performed editorial activities for IEEE Comm. Letters,
Elsevier Computer Networks, and IEEE Communications Magazine. He currently serves as
Associate Editor of the IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society. His work and
that from his students has been awarded several times (best paper awards, best Ph.D. Theses).
He has held visiting positions at Univ. Massachusetts Amherst, Univ. of Edinburgh, Trinity
College Dublin, Univ. of Rome Tor Vergata, and Telefónica R+D Barcelona. He has
participated in various research projects (national and European). His research interests lie in
the analysis of wireless networks and the design of network protocols and systems.