Kurt Achiel Desender

Professor Kurt Achiel Desender
Kurt Desender is Assistant Professor of Accounting at the Department of
Business Administration at the University Carlos III. He holds a Ph.d in
Economics, Management and Organization by the Universidad Autónoma de
Barcelona, and a Bs. in Business Administration by the Catholic University of
Leuven. He is also a member of the Editorial Review Board of Journal of
International Business Studies, and Corporate Governance - An International
Review. Previously, he held visiting positions at the University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign, Bangor Business School and the Catholic University of
His research interests lay in the area of strategic management, more
specifically, issues related with corporate governance and Corporate Social
Responsability. His work has been published in the Strategic Management
journal and the Academy of Management Annals, Journal of International
Business Studies, Global Strategy Journal, Corporate Governance - An
International Review, Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, among
others. He has taught strategic management at graduate and undergraduate
level at the University Carlos III, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Toulouse Business
School at Barcelona and the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona. He has
received several distinctions both for his research and teaching efforts.