Clara Marina Sanz García

Professor Clara Marina Sanz García
Marina Sanz received the Ph. D. degree in Electrical Engineering from “Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM)” Spain, in 2004. From 1997 to 2001, she was a researcher at the UPM to carry out her Doctoral Thesis in Power Electronics, including a 2-year competitive collaboration grant, co financed by the European Union. In 2001, she joined the Department of Electronic Technology at “Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M)”, where she has complemented her professional career with other aspects of interest, through the performance of various teaching and management positions. Her professional activity has been accredited in many different teaching positions, being currently Associate Professor at UC3M. As a culmination of her career, since 2015, she is the Vice Dean of the Engineering School and the Head of Industrial Electronics and Automation Engineering Bachelor degree at UC3M.
Her main research interests include power electronics system modelling and stability issues, especially in transport and telecommunication applications. Her research also covers digital control in power electronics and educational issues on power electronics. This research activity has been financed by public and private funds, where she has participated continuously in 52 projects and contracts, 14 competitive (3 European) and 38 contracts with national and international companies (7 international and 4 CENIT type), among them: ALCATEL, POWERSIM (USA), EADS, AIRBUS, SENER, METROMADRID, SEPSA, Ministry of Defence.
Prof. Sanz also has an important transfer to the productive sector, being co-author of 3 granted PCT type patents, one in international exploitation, extended to the United States and a international registered software. In addition, since 2016, she is a founding partner of the company Power Smart Control S.L., a spin-off from the UC3M. In her research activity, she has speciallly focused on the dissemination of knowledge, through publications in journals, book chapters and prestigious national and international conferences. As a result, Dr. Sanz has published more than 120 articles (more than 70 international and more than 50 national) and a book chapter, some of them in collaboration with national research institutions such as “Fundación IMDEA Energía” and, especially with internationally prestigious research centres such as the University of Science and Technology (NTNU), the Smart Grid Laboratory of the independent research organization, SINTEF, in Norway, and with the European Space Agency, in the Netherlands.
Dr. Sanz serves as regular reviewer for difefferent high impact factor (Q1) indexed journals as IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion and IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics. Moreover, since 2016, she serves as Associate Editor of the IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, and since 2014, she is a member of the Power and Control Core Technologies Committee of the IEEE Power Electronics Society. In addition, she has participated in the organizing and scientific committee of IEEE COMPEL in several editions (2014, 2016) and she is coordinator of the Power Conversion Techniques topic in the "Seminario Anual de Automática, Electrónica Industrial e Instrumentación (SAAEI)" since 2010, of which she was a member of the program committee in 2009. She is also a member of the IEEE Power Electronics Society (PELS), IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IES) and IEEE Education Society (EdSoc).