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Imagen de David Exposito Singh

Professor David Exposito Singh

David Expósito Singh is co-author of more than 90 journal and conference publication in the topics of: (1) Computational epidemiology, leading the EpiGraph research line, which consists of the development of an agent-based parallel simulator that performs realistic stochastic simulations of the propagation of influenza, COVID-19 and other contagious diseases. (2)   High-Performance Computing: application malleability, monitoring, modelling, and multi-criteria scheduling. (3) High performance I/O: including research lines such as improving the efficiency of parallel I/O by means of locality-aware techniques, developing I/O scheduling algorithms and exploring the use of malleability for enhancing the application I/O performance.

He has participated in more than 35 research projects and has coordinated thirteen of them. The most recent ones are:

The coordination of project Multi-source and multi-method prediction to support COVID-19 policy decision making (PredCov) (2020-2022), funded by European REACT-EU funds. This project is highly interdisciplinary, involving a consortium of six different groups specialized in computer architecture, machine-learning, statistics, telecomunications, economy, and media analysis (social sciences). 

The coordination of project Medium and Long-term Simulation of COVID-19 (2020) funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III and carried out in collaboration with the Spanish Epidemiology Center.

The participation in several EU-funded projects European Regimen Acceleration for Tuberculosis (ERA4TB), Exascale Programming Models for Extreme Data Processing (ASPIDE) and Adaptive Multi-tier Intelligent Data Manager for Exascale (ADMIRE).

David E. Singh is a member of the IEEE and ACM associations, as well as the HiPEAC, CABAHLA, and CAPAP-H research networks. He participates in the Ponencia de Vacunas del Consejo Interterritorial del SNS as a modelling team leader -a taskforce created by the Spanish Government for designing the COVID-19 vaccination program for Spain. 

In the area of teaching, he has supervised four PhD. thesis and taught undergraduate and postgraduate courses at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Universidad de A Coruña, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, and the National School of Public Health at the Instituto de Salud Carlos III. He has received an Excellent+ Docentia rating (a total score of 92 points or higher, or 90 points or higher with all three dimensions rated as Excellent).
